Udayana University Socializes Annual Employee SPT Reporting and Issuance of E-Faktur

Udayana University (Unud) held a Socialization of Annual Employee SPT Reporting and Issuance of E-Invoices at the Nation Room, Rectorate Building, Bukit Jimbaran Campus. Friday, (10/2/23). This socialization was opened by the Vice Rector for General Affairs and Finance of Udayana University, Prof. Dr. I Gusti Bagus Wiksuana, SE., M.Sc and attended by the Deans, Director of Postgraduate, Director of BPU, Head of SPI and Assistant Expenditure Treasurers in Unud.

Prof. Wiksuana conveyed that the reporting of the Annual Employee Income Tax Return is an obligation and must be reported every year to the office of the Directorate General of Taxes, both directly and electronically via E-Filing. Implementation of socialization related to the issuance of E-Invoices, especially for collaborative activities carried out by Lecturers both with Government Agencies and Business Entities, with the hope that the Deans in each work unit can socialize it to those involved or to the Collaborating Lecturers. Besides that, it should also be conveyed to business units in faculties and other work units.

This socialization presented resource persons Lalu Mohamad Ramdi Wirasaputra and Suzana Oktaviana Ulva Matching from the South Badung Primary Tax Service Office. Through explanations from sources, it is hoped that later participants will get enlightenment regarding tax imposition, especially on cooperative activities and business units managed within Udayana University.