The Rector of Udayana University Participated Virtually in the 2023 Financial Services Industry Annual Meeting

Rector of Udayana University (Unud) Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara virtually attended the 2023 Financial Services Industry Annual Meeting (PTIJK) organized by the Financial Services Authority (OJK), Monday (6/2/2023). There is a theme for this year's meeting namely "Strengthening the Financial Services Sector in Maintaining Economic Growth".

Chairman of the OJK Board of Commissioners Mahendra Siregar in his report said that in the process of preparing and implementing the Financial Sector Development and Strengthening Law (P2SK), OJK opened a room for discussion with the financial services industry and all stakeholders. As the implementation of the P2SK Law, several things were carried out, namely structuring the landscape of the Islamic financial sector through spin off and consolidation policies, preparing for the implementation of the policy guarantee program, strengthening market conduct supervision, expanding activities and products in the financial services sector. OJK's priority policy directions for 2023 are strengthening the financial services sector, maintaining economic growth, as well as improving services and strengthening OJK's capacity.

Meanwhile, the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, at his direction said, "I just want more attention given to the support for the MSME sector, because our strength is here. Don't forget the little ones. Do not forget the micro, small, medium. Give them as many injections as possible, of course with great care, because it is in this sector that provides job opportunities to the people.

Then the second, the chairman of the OJK also conveyed, regarding downstreaming, so that support is provided. I'm really asking for something concrete, because I still hear that even those who want to build a smelter have difficulty finding funding. So the support was really given, but also with great calculation and caution. Because this downstream will be the key for our country to jump to become a developed country.

I see that people need definite protection for financial service products, be it insurance, online loans, investment, Hajj and Umrah tours, supervision really needs to be detailed. I really ask for insurance matters, especially online loans, investments, to be looked at carefully.

Reporting is frequent, there have been reports of complaints, reporting of complaints is already in 2020, until now 2023 has also not been completed. Be careful, what we build is trust. Once you've lost it, it's hard to rebuild. I'm sure the current OJK can.

Panel discussions were also held at the meeting, presenting speakers from the Board of Commissioners of the OJK, namely Friderica Widyasari Dewi, Chief Executive for Supervision of the Behavior of Financial Services Businesses, Education and Consumer Protection, Inarno Djajadi Chief Executive for Supervision of Capital Markets, Derivative Finance and Carbon Exchanges, Mirza Adityaswara Vice Chair of the Board Commissioner, Dian Ediana Rae Chief Executive for Banking Supervision, Ogi Prastomiyono Chief Executive for Insurance, Guarantee and Pension Fund Supervisor, Sophia Wattimena Chair of the Audit Board.