Udayana University Office of International Affairs Holds Monitoring and Evaluation of International Programs

The Office of International Affairs (KUI) of Udayana University (Unud) held a Monitoring and Evaluation (monev) of International Programs at Udayana University on Tuesday (27/12/2022) at Wapa di Ume Ubud. The event which was held after the end of lectures in Winter Semester 2022 for each international short course program at Unud aims to discuss and evaluate the implementation of international programs at Unud.

The participants who attended the monitoring and evaluation were partners who manage international programs at Unud, including Marko Illic from the Go Abroad Study Program, Hannes from Asia Exchange, Ms Rima from Upskill Programs, Mr. Wayan Gunayasa from Gostudy AS, Ms Sari from Study in Bali and Ms Kadek from the visa agency. Monev is led by Dr.Eng. Ir. Ni Nyoman Pujianiki, ST., MT., M.Eng., IPM as KUI Coordinator, Ns. Ni Komang Ari Sawitri, S.Kep., M.Sc., Ph.D., as the secretary of KUI and Dr.Irma Rahyuda, A, Par, M.M., M.Par., M.Rech. as the KUI International Partnership Division.

Monev started with welcoming remarks from Dr. Pujianiki who said that the target of the KUI Unud for 2023 is to increase the quantity and quality of foreign students who will carry out lectures at Unud. The event continued with reports from each of the agents present, the agents in this discussion conveyed several important matters related to the implementation of international programs during 2022. The cooperation partners hoped that the bureaucratic process related to the arrival of students to Unud and visas could be accelerated and simplified , given the many new post-pandemic regulations. KUI Unud hopes that lectures in 2023 can run smoothly and meet expectations and KUI hopes that two-way communication between KUI Unud, collaboration partners and program managers is more frequent so that problems that arise during lectures can be resolved quickly and precisely.