Faculty of Economics and Business Udayana University Hosts the 10th Congress of Association of Indonesian Faculty of Economics and Business (AFEBI).

The Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University (FEB Unud) Bali was appointed as the host in the 2022 Election, Appointment and Inauguration of the National Board of Management and the 10th 2022 Congress of the Association of Indonesian Faculty of Economics and Business (AFEBI) which was held at Prime Plaza Hotel Sanur - Bali . Tuesday, (6/12/22).

This congress was officially opened by the Rector of Udayana University, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M. Eng, IPU, also attended by the Governor's Expert Staff for the Economy of the Provincial Government of Bali, Chair of the AFEBI National Board of Management, AFEBI National Board of Directors, LAMEMBA Executive Board, Chair of the Indonesian Association of Accountants for the Bali Region, Chair of the Regional Association of Indonesian Economic Scholars Bali, Faculty Leaders of FEB throughout Indonesia, resource persons and other invitees.

The Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Unud Agoes Ganesha Rahyuda, S.E., M.T., Ph.D in his report said, AFEBI is an organization that organizes education providers in the EMBA field who are committed to continuing to innovate and develop themselves to produce graduates who are able to respond to community needs and are able to keeping up with the needs of the times through Tri Dharma Higher Education activities. The 10th AFEBI Congress in 2022 is special because it has 2 activity agendas namely the Election of the National Executive Board for the 2023-2025 period and the National Seminar Activities. The Election of the National Board of Directors was the first agenda item at the 10th AFEBI Congress which was held on Monday 5 December 2022 and today a National Seminar was held with the theme "Toward Green and Digital Economics and Business Faculties for Sustainable Future".

There are 2 keywords in the theme of the 2022 AFEBI Congress, namely Green and Digital. Both are phenomena that are being developed in almost all parts of the world. Green Transformation refers to efficient use of natural resources, adapting environmentally friendly behavior and knowledge. While Digital Transformation is the integration of digital technology in all business scopes. Integrating Green and Digital concepts in the implementation of Education in tertiary institutions will create human resources capable of adapting to the transformation of Education 4.0. The activities of the 10th AFEBI Congress were attended by nearly 350 delegates from 70 Faculties of Economics and Business throughout Indonesia.

Meanwhile the Head of DPN AFEBI Prof. Dr. Suharnomo, S.E., M.Si said, AFEBI has become a very solid organization and the most obvious thing is, there are no more barriers between universities to work together in the MBKM framework and others. AFEBI's response to many things has been adequate, AFEBI has also responded to digitalization by being actively involved in the ICE Institute, being the only association that is joined together with 10 universities in Indonesia. In many universities the Faculty of Economics has always been an example for other faculties, especially in terms of independence, matters related to tracer studies and matters related to digitalization. AFEBI Together with IAI and ICE have formed LAMEMBA, we agree together to continue to support to arrive at the best shape for all of us.

"We really hope that this big FEB house will continue to be a very comfortable home for all AFEBI members, we must be the most advanced for cooperation, collaboration for both MBKM and others. Come on, with the participation of all deans in Indonesia, we will make this AFEBI true. "Really contribute to higher education in Indonesia," he said.

Rector of Unud Prof. Antara in his remarks conveyed, by carrying out the above theme it is hoped that cooperation and synergy will be established between AFEBI members in increasing leadership capabilities, so that they are able to face and respond to various global challenges quickly and flexibly, towards Green and Digital-based educational institutions. "We, all of the Udayana University academic community, are of course very ready to establish synergy with various parties in order to create an educational institution that is ready to welcome all changes in the future," he said.

In addition, the Rector also conveyed brief information about the direction of development of Unud where in 2023 Unud plans to transform into PTN BH. Through PTNBH status, Unudis expected to grow and develop into a quality higher education institution in the future. PTN BH is also one of the requirements for Unud to later achieve world class university status. one of the efforts being pursued by Udayana University is to develop an international advisory board (IAB) program.

Apart from IAB, Unud through LPPM has launched a UNISERF (Udayana University International Senior Researcher Fellowship) grant which aims to provide opportunities for researchers around the world to conduct research for 6 months at Unud. This program highlights the attractiveness of Bali because in addition to conducting research at Unud, they are expected to be able to enjoy Balinese culture, customs and matters related to tourism. So that it will indirectly become a promotion for Bali tourism which has just bounced back from the pandemic.