Office of International Affairs of Udayana University Holds 2nd International Education & Culture Festival "Study Abroad Seminar and Education Exhibition"

The Office of International Affairs at Udayana University (KUI Unud) held the 2nd International Education & Culture Festival, with the theme Study Abroad Seminar and Education Exhibition which took place at the Nusantara Hall, Campus Unud Sudirman Denpasar, (05/12/2022). This Education Exhibition took place for two days from 5-6 December 2022 and presented representatives from the Australian Consulate General, Consulate General of Japan, Consulate General of India, Embassy of Malaysia, International Korea Culture and Study, British Council, Tourism Confucius Institute Unud, Naresy International Educational Centre, Indonesia Britain Education Centre, and Education USA.

The Rector of Udayana University, who in this case was represented by the Vice Rector for Planning and Cooperation, Prof. Dr. dr. I Putu Gede Adiatmika, M.Kes said that the Study Abroad Seminar was part of a series of International Education and Cultural Festival events organized by the Office of International Affairs at Udayana University. This activity is also a collaboration between KUI and partners from several Consulate Generals in Bali and also educational institutions, especially those related to education abroad.

Studying abroad is the dream of many students, so a seminar on knowledge about scholarships and the education system abroad is a very interesting thing to do. Because before starting to study abroad, of course many things must be prepared by the students themselves. Living in a new country for a long time will certainly bring its own challenges for students because they are required to be able to adapt to a new environment. The Vice Rector gave his appreciation for the implementation of the study abroad seminar which was very positive and certainly beneficial for students, especially those who wish to continue their education abroad.

On the same occasion, the KUI Coordinator, Dr. Eng. Ni Nyoman Pujianiki, ST., MT., M.Eng said that the International Education & Culture Festival will take place in two days, on December 5 a series of International Seminars will be held and on December 6 a Culture Festival will be held which will be attended by all representatives Consul General in Denpasar. This activity is carried out in the context of education in line with government programs in the MBKM sector. Participants who attended were estimated to be more than 1,000 participants, apart from students as well as from high schools in Denpasar. It is hoped that the participants who attended this activity will get information on how to study or continue their studies abroad. In particular, students are expected to be active in asking questions at the booths representing the countries present in this activity.