The Central Information Commission Conducts a Visitation to Udayana University in the Context of Public Information Openness Monitoring and Evaluation

The Central Information Commission Visitation Team visited Udayana University to carry out verification in the context of Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Information Disclosure in 2022. The Central Information Commission team was received by the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information as the PPID of PTN Udayana together with the Head of the Academic Cooperation and Public Relations Bureau, Head of the General Bureau and related Unit Coordinators and Sub-Coordinators took place in the Language Room of the Jimbaran Campus Rectorate Building, Thursday (1/12/2022).

Vice Rector Prof. I Putu Gede Adiatmika on this occasion provided information regarding public disclosure at Udayana University and developments after the monev presentation in Jakarta some time ago.

Central IC Commissioner Gede Narayana and the team on this occasion verified public information disclosure at Udayana University. Also attending the visitation were the Chairperson of the Bali Province Public Information Commission and representatives of the Bali Province Diskominfos. On this occasion a discussion was also held regarding the management of public information disclosure at Udayana University as a public agency.