LPPM Udayana University Holds 2022 National Symposium "Sustainable Innovative Research and Community Service"

The Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) of Udayana University (Unud) is holding the 2022 National Symposium on Sustainable Innovative Research and Community Service. The symposium was held in the form of a National Seminar on Science and Technology (SENASTEK) and a National Seminar on Community Service and Empowerment (SENASDIMAS) at The Patra Resort & Villas Kuta Bali, Tuesday (29/11/22). This symposium was officially opened by the Rector of Udayana University, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M. Eng, IPU which was marked by striking the gong five times, and presenting three speakers namely Ferry Ramadhan, ST., M.Sc. (PPBT/PPBR Function Coordinator (Startup)), Narendra Wicaksono (CEO – Decoding) and Bagus Arya Kusuma, S.Sos., MM. (Founder of Padma Medical Husada (Padma Herbs)).

Head of LPPM Unud Prof. Dr. drh. I Nyoman Suarsana, M.Si on this occasion conveyed, SENASTEK IX AND SENASDIMAS I in 2022 took the theme "Innovative and sustainable research and community service towards Udayana University, State Higher Education Institutions Legal Entities". This theme wants to implement Unud's mission, namely to develop a transdisciplinary culture of innovation in science, technology and art for independence and global prosperity. Preparations for this national symposium have started three months ago in September. According to him, the first thing to do was to form a committee consisting of lecturers and staff spread across 13 faculties at Udayana University.

The Senastek IX program was chaired by Dr. Gatot Karohika from the Faculty of Engineering and Senasdimas I chaired by Agus Muliantara, S.Kom., M.Kom from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. The Senastek and Senasdimas activities were attended by researchers and volunteers who received internal funding from Udayana University, namely from PNBP and DRTPM. The number of participants who took part in the national symposium and the beneficiaries of this fund amounted to approximately 1,127 people, with details for research totaling 913 research papers/titles and 214 were community service activity papers. The participants will make presentations and disseminate the results of research and service activities that have been carried out before.

Meanwhile, Rector of Unud Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M. Eng, IPU in his remarks said, SENASTEK and SENASDIMAS are one way to develop research networks and community service. In the application of research results, research outputs and community service must gain national and international recognition and must have an impact on society. With the implementation of this event, it is hoped that the main performance indicators (IKU) of tertiary institutions through the contribution of LPPM can be achieved at Udayana University.

The purpose of holding this event is as a forum for disseminating the results of research and community service carried out by lecturers and researchers at Unud, because they have received research grants or community service grants with funds provided by Unud sourced from PNBP Unud every year. annually, and grants from the ministry through centralized funds, so that they must then be disseminated internally at Udayana University. The purpose of this dissemination is the occurrence of intense discussion communication between research lecturers and fellow Unud servants so that they understand one another. With the discussion and communication between researchers, it will have a good impact on the sustainability of research processes and community service.

On this occasion the Rector also gave a special message so that LPPM Unud continues to routinely carry out SENASTEK, SENASDIMAS, Village Service Seminars (SBD) and continue to improve research management and community service so as to be able to avoid things that are not desirable.