Improve Journal Management at Udayana University, JUPI Unit Organizes Training and Assistance

Udayana University Unud Journal and Scientific Publication Unit (JUPI) held "Training and Assistance for Unud Journal Towards National Accreditation: SINTA Accreditation Improvement Strategy" and "Development of Unud Journal Towards Global Reputation: Global Indexation Strategy" which lasted for two days 24 and 25 November 2022 located at Prime Plaza Hotel Sanur - Bali. This activity was opened by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs of Udayana University and was attended by participants who were Journal managers at Unud and also attended by participants from several universities in Bali. Present as resource persons in this activity namely Prof. Dr. Muji Setiyo, ST., MT from Muhammadiyah University of Magelang and as moderator Dr. Ni Ketut Arismayanti, SST.Par.,M.Par and Dr. Gede Mekse Korri Arisena, SP., M.Agb.

Committee Chair AA Diah Parami Dewi, ST., MT., Ph.D in his report stated that the purpose of this activity was to assist the preparation of several journals that have entered their re-accreditation period and several new journals that have not been accredited. Besides that, it is also necessary to prepare oneself to apply for SINTA accreditation and to provide strategies for journal managers in improving the quality of their governance towards journals that are capable of being indexed internationally. Through the implementation of this activity, he hopes that journal managers will be more enthusiastic, so that in the coming year, out of the 131 journals in Unud, journals that have not been accredited will be accredited immediately, and journals that are undergoing re-accreditation can increase their SINTA rating, and there will be more indexed global journals .

While the Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja, MP., IPU said that journal accreditation is official recognition of scientific journal quality assurance by assessing the fairness of manuscript screening, management feasibility, and timeliness of journal publication. The accreditation rating shows the quality of a journal. Currently, Unud has 131 journals, 87 of which have been accredited and there are 44 journals that have not been accredited and this requires serious handling. Therefore, his party really appreciates and supports the JUPI Team's initiative to hold Unud Journals training and assistance towards national accreditation and also increase the ranking/grade of the journal towards global reputation. The hope is that through this activity journal managers will be more enthusiastic, so that in the coming year more journals will be accredited and their SINTA rankings can be increased and more will be indexed globally.

The Vice Rector also expressed his appreciation to the resource persons who have guided and assisted journal managers at Unud towards national accreditation and Scopus indexation. He invited them to work together and continue to improve the quality of Indonesian scientific journals, both in terms of management and in terms of substance.

In the training which lasted for two days, participants were given materials related to evaluating journal governance towards National Accreditation, evaluating the substance of journals towards National Accreditation, assisting in preparation for Re-accreditation and National Accreditation; inclusion criteria in Scopus and strategies for achieving them as well as assistance in preparation for registration with Scopus.