Conducted Online, BAN-PT Assessor Team Conducts Field Assessment of Doctoral Program of Agricultural Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture Udayana University

The BAN-PT Assessor Team conducted an online field assessment at the Doctoral Study Program of Agricultural Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University (Unud), Friday (21/10/2022).

The assessors who attended were Prof. Dr. Ir Muhammad A. Chosin, M.Agr (IPB Bogor) and Prof. Ir Achmadi Priyatmojo, M.Sc., Ph.D (UGM). Also present at the event, the Rector of Unud was represented by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof.Dr. Ir. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja, M.P, Secretary of LP3M, Chair of USDI, Head of Libraries, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture and Vice Deans, Professors and other invitees.

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja, M.P in his speech conveyed his welcome to the assessors from UGM and IPB and hoped that the assessors could come directly because the conditions had started to improve. Furthermore, the Vice Rector said about Udayana University which was established in 1962 and is 60 years old, has 13 Faculties and 119 Study Programs with three campus locations and has 1459 lecturers, 1560 educational staff and around 30 thousand students and Udayana University has been accredited Superior. Hopefully next year we can follow the management of UGM and IPB which have PTNBH. Hopefully this PTNBH can proceed soon so that later in Eastern Indonesia there will be two universities with PTNBH status, namely Hasanuddin University and Udayana University.

Accreditation of Study Programs at Udayana University that is Superior or A reaches 56 percent. Through this opportunity, the Vice Rector hopes that the assessor will provide a portrait of the S3 Agricultural Science Study Program, if there are things that cannot be included and the data is still scattered and has not been fulfilled by the Taskforce and the Team for the Doctoral Program in Agricultural Sciences, Udayana University to be given the opportunity to complete . The Vice Rector also hopes that through this accreditation, in the future, he can improve to be better according to the assessment criteria from BAN-PT.

On this occasion, the Assessor Prof.Dr. Ir. Muhammad A. Chosin, M.Agr, said that his party was assigned by BAN-PT to Unud and was grateful to be able to meet again even though it was done online and the presence of university leaders indicated the Rector's commitment to the excellence of the Study Program, namely S3 Agriculture. He asked permission for the next two days to interact with the academic community and Study Program partners to see portraits from various angles. As we know, the purpose of accreditation is to take pictures according to their true colors and the state of Udayana University. Seeing the tight schedule, his party will immediately carry out this assessment activity.