Strengthening Cooperation, Udayana University Signs Memorandum of Understanding with BPJS Health

Udayana University continued its collaboration with BPJS Health which was marked by the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding of the Parties which was held at the event "BPJS Kesehatan Goes to Udayana University", Friday (21/10/2022).

This event is a synergy of the Parties in the context of Improving National Health-Healthy Indonesia Cards and implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. The event was also coupled with socialization by the Deputy for Human Resource Management Asyraf Mursalina who explained about Career Opportunities at BPJS Health including employee recruitment, internships and human resource development (HR).

Ir. Edwin Aristiawan, MM As Director of Technology and Information of BPJS Health said, with the MoU between BPJS Health and Udayana University, there are several programs that can be run, including the opportunity for the Internship Program and Certified Independent Study (MSIB) at BPJS Health. The program will now be developed together with Udayana University, the second will also provide sample data for research where in BPJS there are 42 million sample data which of course can be maximized or utilized by researchers both from Udayana University lecturers and from students who need data for the final assignment.

If there are students who do not choose to become employees and they choose the internship route for approximately one year, they will also be given a certificate issued by the Department of Manpower and it becomes one of the completeness for the curriculum vitae, so that if they have graduated from college but have not been accepted When they work, they have a curriculum vitae that has been recorded as having done an internship at BPJS Kesehatan.

Meanwhile, the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, MT.,Ph.D.,IPU, who in this case represents the Rector, said that this collaboration gives a very important meaning for Udayana University in collaborating with the business world and the industrial world. Universities will not be able to live alone just to print resources and where the graduates will be. With this recruitment and internship, it is expected to shorten the waiting period for students to find work, especially with the provision of internship certificates which can later be used to find work in the world of work. The Vice Rector also hopes that the business world and the industrial world can all collaborate and improve internship activities that aim to provide insight to students, increase their competence, so that later graduates will not be confused anymore to work.

As is known, currently approximately 120 alumni of Udayana University have careers at BPJS Health in various fields, and Udayana University students who have the opportunity to do MSIB internships at BPJS Health are also increasing every year.