Udayana University Proposes Establishment of Thoracic, Cardiac and Vascular Surgery Study Program

The Field Visitation Team made a visit related to the Proposed Establishment of the Thoracic, Cardiac and Vascular Surgeon Specialist Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University (Unud) located at the Department of Surgery Prof. RSUP. Dr. I G.N.G. Ngoerah, Friday (21/10/2022).

This visitation event was also attended by the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information representing the Rector of Unud, Chair of LP3M, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Representatives of Unud Hospital, Representatives of Prof. Ngoerah and other invitations. The Visitation Team consisted of the Institutional Directorate of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Directorate General of Health Personnel of the Ministry of Health, LAMPTKes, IDI, MKKI, KKI, AIPKI, ARSPI, Head of the Indonesian Collegium of Thoracic, Cardiac and Vascular Surgery, as well as evaluators from Padjadjaran University and Atma Jaya Catholic University.

Vice Rector Prof. I Putu Gede Adiatmika in the meeting conveyed several messages from the Rector for this visitation activity, namely the university's commitment regarding the establishment of this Study Program. Moreover, this Thoracic, Cardiac and Vascular Surgery Study Program is one of the mandatory programs established in which there are two namely at Unud and at Sriwijaya University. The Rector gave his full support, and his party had several times requested LP3M reports related to the assistance and processes that had been carried out, including documents, infrastructure and human resources. The Rector also communicated with LLDikti who had also supported the administrative process that had to be processed through the SIAGA application. At first this program was an assignment for Unud, but the procedures carried out had to go through LLDikti and LLDikti also provided support, so that documents could be prepared immediately. The Vice Rector hopes that the presence of the Visitation Team will give Unud a breath of fresh air, so that the shared hope of Thoracic Surgery and the Government to soon have more Thoracic Surgery Study Programs can be realized. The team in thoracic surgery is also expected to provide full support for this visitation.

Representative from the Directorate of Institutional Dr. Sutrisno, who is also from LAMPTKes, said that his party invited a collaboration team from KKI, IDI, MKKI, Collegium, AIPKI, LAMPTKes, ARSPI and the Ministry of Health to conduct a visitation where their task was to do field evidence of what was written in the document. Because this is an assignment, the Kemendikbudristek and the Ministry of Health have a tough task being carried out by a joint committee to add graduates to the medical profession. Will be increased starting this year charged to the accredited superior. His party was assigned the task of establishing a Faculty of Medicine in four regions, namely in West Sulawesi, Bangka Belitung, Riau Islands and North Kalimantan. For these two study programs themselves, they have been asked to provide guidance both at Unud and at Unsri. Even though it is in the form of an assignment, it must be taken seriously, so that if there is a shortage, an integrity pact will be made so that the permit can be executed. For this establishment, his party can recommend, but in terms of quality will be evaluated continuously.

In this activity, explanations of technical instructions were also carried out by the Visitation Team and presentations by Candidates for Thoracic, Cardiac and Vascular Surgery Coorporate Study Programs as well as interviews, examination of documents, physical facilities and infrastructure.