Lambba Assessment Team, Accredited the Doctoral Study Program in Economics

The Doctoral Study Program in Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business Udayana University (FEB Unud) was visited by the Field Assessment Team of the Independent Accreditation Institute for Economics, Business Management and Accounting (LAMEMBA) for the purpose of accreditation of study programs at the MM Building, Faculty of Economics and Business, Unud Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Thursday (13/10/22).

The team of assessors who were present on this occasion were Prof. Drs. Waridin, MS., Ph.D (University of Indonesia) and Prof. Dr. Nasikh., M.P., M.Pd. (State University of Malang). Also attending the event were the Rector of Udayana University, Vice Rector for General Affairs and Finance, Head of USDI, Head of University Libraries, Secretary of LPPM and LP3M, Chair of the FEB Senate, Dean of FEB, Vice Deans of FEB, Professors in the FEB Environment and other invitees.

Rector of Unud Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng.,IPU in his speech hoped that the arrival of the Assessor Team to Unud could provide something to develop Unud, to be even better in the future. The Rector also conveyed the existence of the Unud Campus which is located in 3 locations which is currently 60 years old. Various programs are being implemented including, ongoing projects at Unud, the number of faculties, the number of students, lecturers, employees at Unud, the number of study programs that have been internationally accredited, excellent, A and B. The Rector expressed his gratitude to FEB Unud and its staff for having developed various key performance indicators for Unud. Of course, the development of institutions at FEB, international accreditation and graduating on time are also one of the main targets. Unud as a whole currently has 13 Doctoral study programs and it is hoped that all of them can grow and develop with better quality. Thus, this accreditation process will certainly provide lessons on how to improve the quality of the implementation of the Tridharma of Higher Education in general.

Other things that were conveyed by the Rector of the Institution within the Unud environment included LPPM, LP3M, University Libraries, USDI and others, which had performed well, so that they could have an impact on all Study Programs at Unud towards higher accreditation. Udayana University which is currently a BLU university since 2012, and is currently making a fundamental change in higher education governance to become PTNBH. "We have done everything, including the preparation of proposals which we will soon upload and submit to the ministry, so I hope that by next year Unud will have PTNBH," said the Chancellor.

With PTNBH there are many things we can do, especially those related to improving the quality of higher education services to the community, of course there is efficiency, autonomy, independence of universities, and others. The application for Unud as PTNBH can soon be processed so that later in Eastern Indonesia there will be two universities with PTNBH status, namely Hasanudin University in Makassar and Undayana University in Bali. When the two universities have PTNBH status later, it is hoped that they can become supervisory colleges for other universities that have not had PTNBH status at universities in Eastern Indonesia.

Meanwhile, the Assessor Team, Prof. Drs. Waridin, MS.,Ph.D conveyed his presence to Udayana University in order to carry out the task of LAMEMBA to conduct an assessment of the Doctoral Study Program in Economics Unud. We will try to take good pictures and will try to be as objective as possible to work professionally in today's field assessment activities. He also hopes that this field assessment will run well and smoothly, of course, Udayana University is expected to cooperate well, especially in preparing supporting documents that have been written, so that the results are as beautiful as the original.

During this meeting, the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Agoes Ganesha Rahyuda, SE., M.T., Ph.D., the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University reads a statement of joint commitment in carrying out field assessments.