Highlighting PTNBH, Udayana University Students Hold "Angkringan Dialogue"

Legal Entity Higher Education (PTNBH) is a sensitive issue in various public universities throughout Indonesia, including Udayana University (Unud). Public perception of PTNBH also tends to be negative, for example PTNBH has an impact on increasing the Single Tuition Fee (UKT) and/or leading to the topic of commercialization of education. In order to avoid misinformation related to PTNBH, the Student Representative Council (DPM) Unud held a discussion in the Dialogue Angkringan forum with the topic "Is PTNBH Unud ready?".

Angkringan Dialogue is a regular discussion agenda initiated by the DPM Unud to examine various issues that develop in the midst of social life. This discussion was packaged in a relaxed manner, but the material discussed was very serious and actual. The resource persons presented were no less classy, ​​including academics, activists, practitioners, and students. Through the Angkringan Dialogue forum, DPM Unud seeks to increase the sensitivity and critical thinking skills of students in the Unud environment in addressing issues in the midst of social life, one of which is about education.

On October 1, 2022, located in the Unud Sudirman Campus area, the Angkringan Dialogue forum was again held in collaboration with the Public Communications Team of PTNBH Unud, to highlight Unud's plans to transform into PTNBH. On this occasion, Prof. Ir. Nyoman Semadi Antara, M.P. Ph.D. (as the Head of the Unud PTNBH Preparation Team) and Zidni Ferdinand (as the student representative of the Faculty of Marine and Fisheries Unud) to jointly discuss various issues and challenges for Unud in transforming into PTNBH. The discussion lasted for almost 3 hours and was attended by various students from all faculties in the Unud environment. Also guided by Fino Rihab as moderator, discussions in the Angkringan Dialog forum were also able to run effectively.

The discussion material regarding PTNBH is very balanced. All positive and negative issues were discussed and studied jointly by the speakers and discussion participants. In general terms, PTNBH may be able to take Unud in a better direction with all the autonomy it will have when it has PTNBH status. However, Unud should not be careless with its autonomy. If it is wrong to implement autonomy, then this will have fatal consequences for the sustainability of Unud as a higher education institution.

Not to forget, the Angkringan Dialogue forum also discussed commitments related to UKT. Where Unud will always struggle to keep the UKT value the same and always be responsible for providing targeted scholarship programs for students. One of the discussion participants also added that Unud is also required to provide space for students to always participate in efforts to formulate and/or supervise all policy implementations that will take place in the future.

Apart from student issues, discussions related to PTNBH also lead to a commitment to maintain the welfare of all academics in Unud.

In closing, the speakers and discussion participants agreed that the discussion agenda on the PTNBH issue is an important thing that must be carried out on an ongoing basis to all elements of the academic community in Unud. Through the discussion forum, it is believed that the entire academic community will have a better perspective in assessing the transformation of Unud into PTNBH.