Improving Literacy Cooperation, UPT Library Unud Receives a visit from UPT Trunojoyo Madura University Library

UPT Trunojoyo Madura University Library made a working visit to UPT Udayana University Library, Tuesday, 27 September 2022. Head of Trunojoyo Madura University Library, Dr. On this visit, Iriani Ismail, along with 14 library staff, was received by the Head of UPT Library of Udayana University, Dr. Ida Ayu Laksmita Sari. The working visit is intended to explore technical cooperation prior to the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation Agreement.

The Head of UPT Library of Udayana University welcomes the technical cooperation plan of the Parties, especially in terms of information system services and library collections, comparative studies in the context of implementing information systems and collection studies, as well as jointly encouraging the community literacy movement.

In this meeting, various things were also discussed, including the transformation of libraries in each university into digital libraries. The Trunojoyo Library UPT also asked the UPT Library for tips on maintaining physical books or book workshops, as well as tips for getting full support for library development from the university leadership.