Udayana University Student Community with Achievements Holds Sharing Session "Achievable and Active in the World of Lectures"

The Student Activity Unit (UKM) of the Outstanding Student Community of Udayana University 2022 held the "Achievable and Active in the World of Lectures" Sharing Session activities. This activity was carried out online through the Webex Meeting, Friday (16/09/2022).

In the report, the Head of the Community of Outstanding Students of Udayana University, Ahmad Farras Zhafir, said that this activity was participated by the Community Organization Development Unit, DPM and BEM of Udayana University, and outstanding students at Udayana University. It seemed that students were very enthusiastic about participating in this activity, as seen from the number of participants almost 500 people online. The Outstanding Student Community of Udayana University is the result of the alumni's proposal.

It is hoped that this community will become a forum for Udayana University students to follow and make achievements and develop good achievements for Udayana University. In this Sharing Session, 3 speakers were present, namely, representing the Rector of Udayana University, Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Prof. Udayana University. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, MT., Ph.D., IPU., I Dewa Made Oka Dharmawan, S.T (Achievable Student of Udayana University 2020), and Ni Putu Sri Pratiwi S.Sos (Achievable Student of Udayana University 2019).

Speech from the Vice Rector for Student Affairs at Udayana University, Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, MT., Ph.D., IPU., as well as officially opening the Sharing Session, said that this activity was the first activity of the Outstanding Student Community. High appreciation is given to all administrators in this community.

This community is a forum for outstanding students and it is hoped that the achievements that have been carved will be transmitted to younger students so that they become role models. It is hoped that the achievements made are not only in the non-academic field but also include the academic field. Students who have high talent will have a tremendous impact on higher education because apart from being proud of themselves, the institution is also proud of it. It is expected that the younger students are actively looking for competition activities independently/in groups and always remember to report all the activities that are followed so that they are recorded at the university level.