The Internationalization of the Program at Udayana University is Back in Action

Udayana University (Unud) through the Office of International Affairs (KUI) welcomed the arrival of 37 foreign students from Norway to attend lectures in the Udayana International Study Programs (UISP) Autumn Semester 2022. In this activity, KUI held the UISP Program Orientation on Wednesday (31/08/2022) in order to provide an introduction to Udayana University in general and the UISP program in particular. The UISP program has 2 majors of study, namely Personal Trainer & Physiotherapy and Social Anthropology which this semester was attended by 30 students in the Personal Trainer major and 7 students in the Social Anthropology department.

The opening ceremony was conducted by the Coordinator of KUI Dr. Eng. Ir. Ni Nyoman Pujianiki, ST., MT., M.Meng., IPM, followed by a short speech from Prof. Drs. I Made Suastra, Ph.D as Coordinator of the Social Anthropology program. Followed by showing profile videos of Unud and KUI, and presentations on A Glimpse of Udayana University which was delivered by the secretary of KUI Ns. Ni Komang Ari Sawitri, S.Kep., M.Sc., Ph.D.

At the end of the event Dr. Pujianiki provides opportunities for foreign students to introduce themselves in turns to get to know each other.