Udayana University Becomes the Host of the Second National Congress of the Indonesian PPPI Communication Forum

Denpasar - Udayana University (Unud) through the Professional Engineer Study Program hosted the National Congress II Communication Forum for Professional Engineer Program Organizers (Forkom PPPI) throughout Indonesia which took place on August 19, 2022 at the Werdhapura Hotel Sanur Denpasar, Bali. The Second National Congress of the PPPI Forkom was attended by around 100 participants from all over Indonesia with the theme "The Role of Professional Engineers in the Implementation of the Engineering Law in the Industrial Era 4.0." The congress was opened by the Director of Postgraduate Prof. Linawati represents the Rector of Unud.

All congress participants also participated in a panel discussion filled with 3 speakers, namely the Director General of Diktiristek, represented by the Director of Institutional Dr. Lukman, ST., M. Hum, the General Chair of PII was represented by the Chair of the Professional Engineer Bapel, Prof. Ir. Asep Kurnia Permadi, M.Sc., PhD., IPU., and Prof. Dr. Ir. Danu Ariono, HDI. (LAM Teknik) guided by the moderator Prof. Ir. I Wayan Redana, M.Sc., Ph.D., IPU, ASEAN Eng.

Director of Postgraduate Unud Prof. Ir. Linawati, M.Eng. Sc., Ph.D said that the panel discussion was an opportunity to gain knowledge about increasing the quantity of engineer graduates.
He targets engineers in Bali to grow and be more professional, especially since Bali is attached to its tourism industry. "We have agrotourism which also forms agricultural engineers, and as a tourism industry in the field of engineering, it certainly answers the challenge of digitization because tourism is multidisciplinary, supported by many engineering fields," he said.

His party will also invite Deans outside the field of Engineering to collaborate with related graduates.

The same thing was also conveyed by the Coordinator of the Unud Professional Engineer Study Program as well as the Chair of the Implementing Committee, Dr. Ir. Ida Bagus Putu Adnyana, ST, MT, IPM, Asean.Eng. that Udayana University is targeted to produce 400 engineers within one year. "Once the target is executed in one semester we produce 150 engineers so that the target of 400 within one year can be achieved to support the PII program to meet the needs of engineers," he said.

He added that the target engineers for Udayana University came from the Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, and FMIPA.

The Chairperson of the PPPI Forkom Prof. Ir. Suryo Purwono, MASc., Ph.D., IPU (UGM) said that this meeting is part of the agenda of the PPPI Forkom and once every three years we hold a congress to elect the Chair of the Forkom. He explained that currently only 13,222 engineers have graduated from the target of the Indonesian Engineers Association (PII) of 900,000 engineers. He hopes that the PPPI Forum will be able to produce graduates who can develop adequate knowledge, skills in development with a holistic approach, develop interdisciplinary knowledge with theoretical mastery, meet the standards of producing graduates with practical experience and professionalism.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Professional Engineer Bapel, Prof. Ir. Asep Kurnia Permadi, M.Sc., PhD., IPU., said that the majority of Bachelor of Engineering graduates have not been absorbed to take part in the PSPPI. Until now, the number of PSPPI graduates is only around 13,000 engineers, which are produced for 5 years and are far from the needs of around 260,000 professional engineers. "At this time, efforts are also being made to immediately implement regular programs because the majority of RPL programs are 90 percent," he said.