Udayana University Receives Certificate of Use of Land Assets (SHP) on Jalan Uluwatu

Jimbaran - Located in the Bangsa Room, Jimbaran Campus Rectorate Building, the Handing over of the Right to Use Certificate Number 920 which is located on Jalan Uluwatu with an area of ​​18,600 square meters by the National Land Agency in this case the Badung Regency Land Office to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology as the User and Udayana University as the User Authority in the form of land, Thursday (18/8/2022).

The Head of the Badung Regency Land Office, Heryanto, S.SIT.,MH directly handed over the Right to Use Certificate (SHP) to the Inspector General of the Ministry of Education and Technology Dr. Chatarina Muliana Girsang, SH., SE., MH which was then handed over to the Rector of Udayana University Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng., IPU. Also present at this activity were representatives of the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Representatives of the Kajati Bali, DJKN Bali Regional Office, Legal Bureau of the Ministry of Education and Technology, Representatives of the Indonesian Ombudsman Representative for Bali, Jimbaran Village Head, Unud BLU Council, Vice Rector for General Affairs and Finance, Dean of the Faculty of Law and the Law Team, General Bureau and other invitations.

Rector of Udayana University Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara on this occasion expressed his appreciation for the commitment of the Inspector General in overseeing the settlement of this land asset case as well as other parties who have helped back up this matter. Representing the academic community, he expressed his gratitude for the hard work and synergy that has occurred so that today we can gather in this activity. According to the direction of the Inspector General, the handover should be attended by all parties involved, so that they know that the rights have returned to Udayana University. Through this opportunity, the Rector also asked for assistance so that the state assets entrusted to Udayana University could be used to contribute so that educational services to the community could be carried out as well as possible.

With this SHP, assets will be secured by being fenced off and immediately looking for cooperation partners to utilize them so as to obtain revenue that will be utilized as much as possible to contribute in the field of education to the community. His party also informed that lectures will be centered on the Jimbaran Campus and soon the Dean and lecture halls will be built and will make optimal efforts to take advantage of this asset.

While the Inspector General of the Ministry of Education and Technology Dr. Chatarina Muliana Girsang in her direction said that this was the moment when the Unud asset case had been completed. On behalf of the Ministry of Education and Culture, he expressed his gratitude for the support of all parties who have worked together to solve the case in a fast time. This is the fastest case that can be resolved among other cases being handled. The case related to state land is indeed very unique, it requires a joint commitment to safeguard state assets. With the completion of this case, Udayana University can immediately use it to improve services at Udayana University and improve the quality of graduates. We will move one by one to solve other land cases where there are several more land cases in Udayana University, we need the support of all parties to solve them.