Socialize 60th Anniversary and Introduce 9 New Professors, Udayana University Spokesperson Team Holds Media Gathering

Udayana University (Unud) through the Rector Spokesperson Team held a meeting with local media journalists in the Media Gathering activity, Tuesday (16/8/2022) at The Trans Hotel. The activity was held to introduce new professors who will be inaugurated in September and to socialize the 60th Anniversary of Udayana University.

Head of the Unud Anniversary Committee, Dr. Ir. Gede Suarta, M.Si conveyed that the Anniversary celebration had begun with a walkthrough activity and the participants were very enthusiastic. Like the previous Dies, this year's celebration also includes family events, seminars, and community service. On this anniversary, his party also plans to hold a record-breaking activity of 500 blood bags at one blood donor location and the support of all parties is highly expected for the success of the activity.

While the Rector of Unud Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng.,IPU appreciates the support of fellow journalists so far and the media gathering is a media to sit together in delivering information to the public. On this occasion, he informed that he would inaugurate 9 permanent professors from various disciplines. The nine professors, namely (1) Prof. Dr. Dra. Ni Made Suaniti, M.Si. (MIPA), (2) Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Sutarja, M.S. (Engineering), (3) Prof. Dr. Dra. Ni Luh Ketut Mas Indrawati, M.A. (Cultural Sciences), (4) Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Suyatna, S.H., M.H. (Law), (5) Prof. Dr. Ir. Ketut Ayu Yuliadhi, M.P. (Agriculture), (6) Prof. Dr. Drs. I Nyoman Wijaya, M. Hum. (Cultural Sciences), (7) Prof. Dr. Ir. I Ketut Suamba, M.P. (Agriculture), (8) Prof. Dr. dr. I Gusti Ayu Sri Mahendra Dewi, Sp.PA(K). (Medicine) and (9) Prof. Dr. Drs.I Putu Anom, M.Par (Faculty of Tourism).

The Rector explained that in recent years Udayana University has succeeded in producing quite a large number of professors, it should not be the expected number but how to achieve professors at a younger age will be a challenge for Udayana University in the future.

The Rector also socialized the holding of the 60th Anniversary of Udayana University which the series will take place during this August-September, where there will be a Udayana Award for the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs for his contribution to the return of Unud assets. Besides that, an International Academic Council will also be formed which is filled by dozens of professors from around the world to support the internationalization of Unud where there are 43 proposals and it is recommended that 11 people and 7 people are ready. The Rector also explained that currently Udayana University is ready to go to a Legal Entity (BH) which hopes to improve services to the community and governance.

The Chairperson of the Unud Professorship Forum, Prof. Dr. dr. Ketut Suastika, Sp.PD-KEMD explained, professors who will be inaugurated in September will join the divisions at the Professors Forum according to scientific disciplines. Hopefully the Professors can become role models because the challenges have changed, on the one hand they are struggling with science and institutions, on the other hand they must also take part outside the campus. Then becoming a PTNBH the challenges will be even tougher, we must anticipate it with the attitude and willingness to advance the institution and Professors are one of the driving forces. The Professor's Forum is here to accommodate the contributions of Unud professors' thoughts in order to advance the university and society.