Udayana University Holds Training for Six P2MW Groups Passing Funding from the Directorate of Belmawa Kemendikbudristek

Jimbaran - Udayana University (Unud) through the Entrepreneurship Development Unit (UPK) and the Student Affairs Bureau held a Material Enrichment/Training for Udayana University P2MW Participants in 2022 who passed the Funding at the Bangsa Room, Jimbaran Campus Rectorate Building, Wednesday (10/08/2022). This activity was opened by the Rector of Unud and was also attended by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, the Head of BKM and Staff, as well as the Chair and Secretary of the UPK and the Team. There were six groups that passed the Entrepreneurial Student Development Program (P2MW) of the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs of the Ministry of Education and Culture.

The titles of the business proposals that passed were Djateh Tjinta and SAMBAL NYEBAK Home-based Taste Business from the Faculty of Economics and Business for the food and drink category, Juni. Crochet from the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences for the category of Creative Industries, Arts, Culture, and Tourism; Kawai Florist from the Faculty of Engineering for the Service and Trade category, Pakeh.In (Indonesian Green Package) from the Faculty of Economics and Business for the Applied Technology category and ESSPRAY for Animal Mange Herbal Medicine from the Faculty of Animal Husbandry for the Production/Cultivation category.

The resource persons in this activity were Rully Alfiansyah from PT Nutrifood Indonesia and Ni Nengah Era Sugiartini KBMI 2019 Alumni with the topic of Material Enrichment: "Product development and sustainablelity".

Head of UPK Dr. Sagung Chandra Yowani, S.Si.,Apt., M.Si in his report said that the participants who attended were the winners of the 2022 Entrepreneurial Student Development Program funds where there were six groups submitted and were grateful that all of them received funding. This activity is the first briefing for participants who will be the starting point to continue to be accompanied until the end of the event at the KMI Expo. At the end of the P2MW activity, there will be a reward from Ditbelmawa in the Indonesian Student Competition (KMI), so the competition is no longer here but will continue at the national level. For this reason, what is prepared is not only selling products but also self-enrichment and increasing entrepreneurial competence. He hopes that through this activity, students can become job vacancies for the surrounding community, and also sincerely hope that they can become great human beings, beneficial for themselves and the surrounding community.

While the Rector of Unud Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng.,IPU in his speech expressed his appreciation for the achievements that have been achieved so far and his party together with the Vice Rector and Head of the Student Affairs Bureau and UPK continue to do their best for the benefit of the university and improve student achievement. There were six groups sent involving 28 students, all of which passed the funding and this was very proud for all of us. Of course, this is the beginning of the struggle and will continue in the process which will eventually end at the KMI Expo. Hopefully all processes up to KMI will run well and smoothly and we can be on par with other universities. He also hopes to have the next impact, which is a good impact for the juniors so that they follow the success of their seniors. The Rector also hoped that according to the KPI, graduates would be divided into three groups, namely those who got jobs that matched their competence and earned wages above the minimum wage, groups that pioneered existing young entrepreneurs and groups beyond that, namely increasing their education level.

The current trend is to optimize the potential of entrepreneurial students, where the progress of a country is highly dependent on the number of entrepreneurs. The more entrepreneurs, the more prosperous the people are. There is a new paradigm at this time, namely the number of entrepreneurial students is the achievement of a university. It is also listed in the University's KPI and for this reason, efforts have been made to increase the number of outstanding students, one of which is in entrepreneurship.