Equalizing Perceptions of Procurement of Goods and Services, General Bureau of Udayana University Holds Monitoring and Evaluation

Udayana University (Unud) through the General Bureau held Monitoring and Evaluation of the Procurement of Goods and Services, Tuesday (2/8/2022), located in the Bangsa Room, Bukit Jimbaran Rectorate Building. This activity was opened by the Vice Rector for General Affairs and Finance Prof. Dr. I Gusti Bagus Wiksuana, SE., MS, and attended by the Head of the General Bureau, Vice Deans for General Affairs and Finance, Vice Director I Postgraduate, General and Finance Director of Unud Hospital, Coordinators, Commitment Making Officials, and Supporting Commitment Making Officials.

Prof. Wiksuana in his speech said that the implementation of this monev activity is very important to equalize perceptions and listen to the problems experienced by work units throughout 2022 and previous years. Today it is hoped that all of them can discuss policy formulations to solve procurement problems at Unud, considering that it is now the month of August and Unud is required to absorb a high budget. Procurement is one element that contributes to the low and high absorption of Unud's budget, for that there needs to be a synergy between the work unit, PPK, Pokja, PPK Support Team and the General Bureau as the work unit responsible for the management of PBJ at Unud.

Present as a resource person from the Chairman of the DPD Indonesian Procurement Experts Association, Dr. Dewa Agung Gede Manu, SH., MH. The presence of the Chairperson of the IAPI DPD is expected to provide a broader perspective on how to manage procurement effectively and efficiently in the work unit of the Public Service Agency (BLU). The Vice Rector on this occasion also said that currently the Rector's Regulation on the Procurement of Goods and Services is being drafted. The team has been formed through the Rector's Decree and this Pertor will be processed carefully so that the stipulated Pertor does not solve procurement problems at Unud.

"The Head of the General Bureau is appointed to formulate concrete policies related to procurement, so that after today there is a policy that can accelerate the direct procurement process, because Unud's domain is only in direct procurement," he said.