Udayana University Collaborates with the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy of the Republic of Indonesia to Hold a National Seminar "Building Entrepreneurial Spirit of Innovative and Competitive Students"

Udayana University (Unud) through the Business Incubator in collaboration with the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia held a National Seminar with the theme "Building an Innovative and Competitive Student Entrepreneurial Spirit" which took place in a hybrid manner with the main location of the Nusantara Room, the Agrocomplex Building, Sudirman Campus Denpasar, Thursday (14/07/2022).

The Head of the Bureau of Communication, Information Services, and Sessions of the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs Haryo Limanseto in his speech expressed his gratitude to Unud for providing the opportunity to work together to organize seminars, where this activity is a form of socialization of government programs that are within the scope of the performance of the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs. According to the theme of the seminar, his party wants to encourage students to become entrepreneurs or new entrepreneurs.

While the Rector of Unud Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara in his speech said that university graduates could no longer just rely on a diploma to find a job, but were required to have the competencies and skills possessed, in order to find employment opportunities that matched their interests and talents. An alternative in overcoming this problem is to instill an entrepreneurial spirit in students from an early age.

Indonesia's entrepreneurial ratio is still low, below other ASEAN countries such as Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore. Therefore, entrepreneurship programs are intensively implemented in universities to be able to increase the ratio of entrepreneurship in Indonesia. College as a place to create business embryos based on Knowledge, technology and art. In economic development in Indonesia, entrepreneurship has a very important role. Entrepreneurship is able to find innovations and new ideas in managing available natural resources. In his speech, the Rector also explained the form of support from Udayana University for the development of entrepreneurship.

The event was opened by the Rector of Unud which was marked by the beating of Gong. Then this National Seminar begins with the delivery of an introductory discussion from Dr. Ir. Mohammad Rudy Salahuddin, MEM as Deputy for Coordination of the Digital Economy, Employment, and Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises.

The agenda was continued with the presentation of material and responses from three resource persons, namely Chairul Saleh, SH., LL.M as Assistant Deputy for Community Economic Empowerment and Entrepreneurship, Dr. Ir. I Ketut Sardiana, M.Si as the Head of Udayana Student Creative Center and Drs. Anak Agung Ngurah Satrya Diana, M.H. as the Head of SME Empowerment of the Bali Province Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises Service, moderated by Bayu Silvatika as an Associate Expert Policy Analyst.

Deputy for Coordination of the Digital Economy, Employment, and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Dr. Ir. Mohammad Rudy Salahuddin, MEM in his material said that the government through program synergies and collaboration of 22 Ministries and 8 Institutions and Regional Governments provides economic empowerment which is carried out through several ways, namely entrepreneurship, training, access to capital loans that are given based on the interests and abilities of the heads of households, children. who have graduated from high school / vocational school or university as well as elderly residents who are still able. Based on the 2019 World Economic Forum survey, as many as 35.5 percent of youth aged 15 to 35 years in Indonesia wish to become entrepreneurs. This perception includes the highest index compared to other ASEAN countries, so that the economic strength and potential of the workforce in Indonesia need to be supported by a good business climate including the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Currently, there are still many entrepreneurs who need to be encouraged to develop further so that they are able to absorb more workers. The government has also issued a Presidential Regulation that aims to synergize national entrepreneurship development policies and programs and strengthen the entrepreneurial ecosystem.