Revitalize Sports in Bali, Udayana University Soon to Hold Rector's Cup

The Rector of Udayana University (Unud) together with the Vice Rectors, the Head of BKM and the Rector Cup Committee held a meeting with the General Chairperson of KONI Bali and the General Chairperson of Pengprov for several Sports Branches in the context of friendship and support for the implementation of the Rector Cup activities at Pondok Tempo Doeloe, Tuesday (12/07/2022) night.

The implementation of the Udayana University Rector's Cup is planned to be held in 2022. The plans for the sports to be contested include Pencak Silat, Basketball, Taekwondo, Wushu, and Chess.

Chairman of the Organizing Committee of Cokorda Rai Adi Pramartha, Ph.D said that this meeting was in the context of organizing the first Unud Rector's Cup at the national level and asked for support so that the implementation was carried out properly. Everyone was enthusiastic about this activity but Unud could not run alone and needed support from KONI Bali. This meeting is also to inform the activities to be carried out.

Rector of Unud Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara expressed his appreciation for the good communication so that this meeting could be held. The Rector's Cup is an encouragement to stimulate sports in Bali after the covid pandemic. It is hoped that this year it can be carried out with basketball, chess, pencak silat wushu and taekwondo where so far these branches have contributed medals to Unud. Next year can be added again and this meeting is to get input regarding the implementation of this Rector Cup. He hopes that Unud's good intentions can also be escorted by parties who have more control over this sporting activity. The existence of the Rector's Cup is expected to increase the community's enthusiasm to exercise again and produce capable athletes in the sport in question. We will also be able to sit down together to do coaching. Besides that, Unud also plans to build a sports center on the hill campus which is expected to also benefit the community.

Chairman of KONI Bali I Gusti Ngurah Oka Darmawan said that his party welcomed this activity in order to revive sports in Bali. His party also plans to arrange so that each sport is in one house so that it can be more focused. It is also very good if it is associated with improving performance. The implementation of the Rector Cup is very appropriate to be carried out now after two years of vacuum activities due to the pandemic. Hope the sooner the better. For the provinces, POR Prov will be held in November and in 2023 Pre PON. This year, Bapomi activities were also carried out. From a technical and regulatory perspective, it must also be considered in the implementation of this activity. He hopes that in the future, more sports can be added and through this opportunity discussions can also be held. It is also hoped that outstanding athletes can be accepted to continue their education at Unud. The general chairman of KONI Bali advised that honesty should be prioritized in sports.