Lecturers Must Have Educator Certificates, Unud Holds Lecturer Certification Socialization for Certified Lecturer Candidates

Udayana University (Unud) through the Human Resources Section of the General Bureau held a Lecturer Certification Socialization for Certified Lecturer Candidates at the Postgraduate Building Hall, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Thursday (7/7/2022).

The socialization event was opened by the Chair of the Lecturer Certification Committee (PSD) Prof. Dr. drh. I Nyoman Sadra Dharmawan, MS representing the Vice Rector for General Affairs and Finance of Unud who should have opened this event. The Vice Chancellor advised that Unud is not only a university that proposes certification, but also a committee of universities that organizes lecturer certification.

Especially for the socialization activity this time it is inward, where the responsibility of Unud as the proposing university is. Meanwhile, this socialization aims to make Udayana University lecturers prepare themselves so that in the next wave they can propose more. There needs to be coordination with faculty leaders on how to prepare lecturers who have nominations to join the serdos to jointly prepare them. This does not only have an impact on lecturers but also for Study Programs, Faculties and universities as one of them in the accreditation process. Previously, guidelines had also been conveyed to faculty leaders, but this socialization was also very important to be understood together.

Prof. Sadra emphasized that the institution is ready to facilitate lecturers to take part in Serdos, for that it is hoped that the support of the faculty leadership will facilitate functional positions for lecturers because it is one of the requirements for participating in Serdos.

The presentation of material related to lecturer certification was delivered by the Head of PSD Prof. Dr. drh. I Nyoman Sadra Dharmawan, MS with moderator I Putu Sudiarta, SP., M.Si., Ph.D and materials related to Sister by the Sub Coordinator of Human Resources Educational Staff I Nyoman Sumiarta and his team.

In the material presented by the resource persons, it was stated that this certification guide is usually updated every year and is divided into three waves. The third wave is only opened if the maximum Serdos quota has not been met. For those who have submitted but are not eligible, they can correct the data in the next batch. In the first wave there are only three eligible lecturers, it is hoped that the next wave can increase in number. One of the Serdos requirements is to have a Pekerti / AA certificate, for those who already have it, it must be immediately inputted through the SISTER PT application, limited to 27 August 2022. The second batch of eligible data withdrawals will be carried out on 8 August 2022. This educator certificate must be owned by a lecturer and one of the lecturers. one condition to get it is to pass the certification. Currently Serdos uses the SMART system (Simple, Modern-more innovative, Accountable, Responsive, Transparent). This system is simpler where there are about eight requirements as a Certification participant.