Faculty of Engineering Udayana University Hosts the Implementation of Dean's Course Batch II Session I FDTI

Jimbaran - The Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University hosted the "Dean's Course 2022" Batch II Session I of the Indonesian Engineering Deans Forum (FDTI), 29 June - 1 July 2022. This activity was held in the Dean's Meeting Room of the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University Campus, Jimbaran. FDTI held Dean's Course activities in 2 batches in 4 different places. The first batch was held at the Faculty of Engineering, UGM Yogyakarta, then at the Faculty of Engineering, Mulawarman University, Samarinda. Meanwhile, the second batch was held at the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, Bali, then continued to the Faculty of Engineering, Ibnu Sina University & Batam University.

Dean of Faculty of Engineering Udayana University Ir. I Ketut Sudarsana, ST.,Ph.D said that currently it is the Dean's Course Class II Session I where class I was held at UGM Yogyakarta in early June. As the executor of the activity, his party welcomes the participants, where the maximum number of registered participants is 40 people but there are two participants who are unable to attend so that those who attend are 38 people. In fact, this Dean's Course is one of the FDTI activities whose participants come from all over Indonesia.

Chairman of FDTI Prof. Ir. Selo, ST.,MT.,M.Sc.,Ph.D conveyed in this activity, for the next three days the Deans, Vice Deans or Heads of Study Programs who come from all over Indonesia will learn about how to manage the Faculty, how to lead the Faculty according to their responsibilities. . As we know, this Faculty of Engineering should produce graduates who are reliable engineers who are the backbone of the nation's development. These Deans have never even been specially prepared to become Deans, usually only appointed or elected but have no leadership knowledge of how to lead the Faculty even though the responsibility is very big to produce reliable graduates. Then the number of graduates of the Faculty of Engineering per year is around 27 thousand, but very few work as engineers, so we hope that as many as possible really enter the world of engineering, work according to their fields. In the next three days, the Deans will gain knowledge on how to manage faculties, manage resources to be able to optimally produce graduates as we expect. He hopes that through this activity, the Faculty of Engineering can synergize with each other so as to produce graduates who are not too far apart between faculties.

Vice Rector for Student Affairs Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, MT.,Ph.D.,IPU representing the Rector of Udayana University said that Udayana University through the Faculty of Engineering was trusted to carry out Dean's Course activities which was an honor, because this activity was very good. Indeed, as leaders at Udayana University, we have never been taught how to be a leader as is done in the Regional or Central Government such as the Sespim or Sesko in the Army or the like. This is how the Dean or Study Program Coordinator candidates can gain knowledge on how to manage everything that is carried out in the Faculty or Study Program. It is hoped that in the future there will be participants from Udayana University who will take part in every Deans' Course activity which will continue in several places. This is a debriefing for prospective leaders or academic leaders at Udayana University so that they have the ability to manage everything.

This Dean's Course activity presented several speakers including the Vice Rector for Student Affairs at Udayana University with the material on University Good Governance, General Chairperson of the Indonesian Engineers Association (PII) Dr. Ir. Danis Hidayat Sumadilaga, M.Eng.,Sc.,IPU.,ACPE with material on the Global Challenges of Indonesian Professional Engineers and several other presenters with material related to Leadership, Communication, Faculty Management Strategies, Financial Management, Sharing Experiences and building virtuous student character.