Field Assessment of Civil Engineering Masters Study Program, Faculty of Engineering Udayana University by LAM Teknik Assessor

Today, the opening of the Field Assessment Accreditation for the Master of Civil Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, was held at the Faculty of Engineering, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar. Monday, (27/6/2022).

This Field Assessment was officially opened by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja, MP who was accompanied by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Ir. I Ketut Sudarsana, ST, Ph.D. The two assessors who attended this field assessment were Prof. Ir. Yoyong Arfiadi, M.Sc., Ph.D from Atma Jaya University Yogyakarta and Dr. eng. Ir. Syafi'i, MT from Sebelas Maret University.

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja, MP representing the Rector of Udayana University in this case conveyed his welcome to Udayana University to the assessor team. On this occasion, a brief description of the forerunner of the founding of Udayana University and the number of teachers and students at Udayana University will be given. The Civil Engineering Undergraduate Study Program is currently accredited as superior and Udayana University has also been accredited as superior. "Hopefully this will have an impact on quality cultures in all study programs owned by Udayana University". Strictly speaking.

Udayana University will now go to PTN BH, of course with supporting factors that are believed to be able to run at PTN BH with non-UKT income, not fees from students. Of course later there will be things that can be clarified from the results of the assessor team's monitoring of the adequacy assessment, whether it's looking at the LED or the LKPS, if later there are things that are missed, time can be given to complete or perfect the accreditation assessment of the Master of Engineering. Prof. Rai also hopes that this field assessment will run smoothly and get the best results.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Assessment Team, Yoyong Arfiadi, said that the current accreditation for engineering study programs is under LAM Engineering, no longer under BAN PT. "We are assigned to view or verify the data that has been submitted by the Civil Engineering Masters Study Program which we will then report to LAM Teknik, it is hoped that during the discussion that will be carried out it can run smoothly and good data is given because it is the basis for a good assessment. issued by LAM Teknik".