Doctoral Study Program of Medical Sciences Faculty of Medicine Udayana University Visited by LAM-PTKes Assessor Team

Denpasar - Tuesday (21/06/2022), at the Meeting Room of dr. A.A Made Djelantik Faculty of Medicine Udayana University Sudirman Campus Denpasar carried out the opening of a field assessment in the context of the accreditation of the Doctoral Study Program of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University by the Assessment Team of the Independent Accreditation Institute for Health Higher Education (LAM-PTKes).

The assessors who attended were Dr. dr. Yuliarni Syafrita, Sp.S(K) (Unand) and dr. Paramasari Dirgahayu, Ph.D (UNS). Also present at the opening of the assessment were the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information representing the Rector of Udayana University, the Chair of LP3M, the Head of the Library Unit, USDI Representatives, the Vice Deans of the Udayana University Medical Faculty along with the Coordinator of Study Programs and related units, as well as other invitees.

Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning Dr. dr. I Gede Eka Wiratnaya, Sp.OT(K) representing the Dean of FK Unud in his speech said that the accreditation activities at Faculty of Medicine Udayana University were quite busy considering that there were 33 Study Programs, of which 15 study programs were accredited this year and today there were two who took part in the field assessment. We try to prepare as well as possible and adjust to the time of the assessor. He hopes that the assessment process will run smoothly, where previously an online assessment has been carried out and obtained superior results. Of the 15 Study Programs that were rated on average, they achieved excellent results and what made them proud was that the previous study program B increased to excel, and the new study program received an excellent predicate. The Vice Dean believes that the Taskforce Team has completed the documents perfectly, but his party is very open to correcting deficiencies found by assessors in order to improve the quality of Study Programs. The Vice Dean expressed his appreciation to all parties who have provided support. The leadership hopes that Study Programs that achieve excellence in the future will be directed to follow international accreditation.

While the Vice Rector Prof. I Putu Gede Adiatmika on this occasion conveyed information at a glance about Udayana University and future development plans. Furthermore, the Vice Rector conveyed that accreditation was very important to maintain the quality of the educational process and academic services provided to the academic community. The hope of the university leadership from B is to improve to achieve superior predicate by maintaining quality in a sustainable manner. Relevant units have been assigned to monitor and move towards internationalization and in order to support Unud towards PTN BH. From the results of the hearing with the Ministry, it was tit-for-tat and Udayana University had entered the Higher Education system. Another thing that is encouraging is that Unud is included in 27 universities with excellent accreditation predicate. For that, the University is ready to support whatever is the goal of the study program development. Assessors' findings and input are highly expected to develop Study Programs into fully superior Study Programs. The Vice Rector hopes that everything will go well as expected.

Representative of the Assessment Team, dr. Paramasari Dirgahayu, Ph.D conveyed information that there has been a LAM-PTKes meeting and the LAM-PTKes accreditation will be recognized as an international accreditation and at IKU if it is accredited with 9 standards. Furthermore, the assessor representative conveyed the rundown of the activities to be carried out and the assessor's code of ethics. In this assessment, interviews will also be conducted and explore the lack of data written in the forms. He hopes that this accreditation process will be carried out and good cooperation so that it can achieve maximum results.