Tourism Confucius Institute (TCI) Faculty of Tourism Udayana University Holds International Workshop on Wellness Tourism

Tourism Confucius Institute (TCI) Faculty of Tourism, Udayana University in collaboration with Nanchang University, Nanchang Normal University, and Anhui Medical University, held an international wellness tourism workshop titled 'Practicing Tai Chi in Bali, Enjoying Wellnes Tourism', in Nusantara Room, Agrokompleks Building, Unud Sudirman Campus Denpasar, Friday (3/6/2022).

The international workshop aims to expand and introduce wellness tourism products to the global market. Promote cultural traditions between Bali and China in terms of intangible culture and strengthen bilateral cooperation in the field of culture.

Vice Dean I of the Faculty of Tourism, Udayana University, Dr I Nyoman Sukma Arida SSi MSi, said this international workshop could strengthen and encourage the growth of professional wellness and medical tourism in the TCI program of the Faculty of Tourism, Udayana University. "The Faculty of Tourism is an institution that studies tourism, in the future we hope to be a pioneer in introducing wellness tourism, which can be enjoyed by visitors in Bali," said Sukma Arida, on the sidelines of the activity.

The international workshop was carried out in a hybrid manner in two locations, namely in Bali (Indonesia) and China. Presenting four speakers, namely Prof. Yu Qianchun (Anhui Medical University), Prof. Zhang Zhongxing (Anhui Medical University), Teguh Hery Susantho (Sinar Dragon Wushu Taijhi Kungfu Club Bali), and Sudiarta Indrayana SE SAg (Indonesian Chinese Association of Bali). Around 100 participants appeared to be present directly listening to the speaker's presentation in the Nusantara Room.

The Director of the Indonesia Tourism Confucius Institute (TCI) Udayana University, Dr. Drs. I Made Sendra MSi, explained that wellness tourism is a tourist trip with the aim of integrating health, health promotion, and improving the quality of life.

Wellness tourism has become one of the most popular tourism products during the Covid-19 pandemic, so that the growth and development of wellness tourism products has increased significantly and has received the attention of the global community. Wellness tourism is becoming a trend because of the behavior of tourists who are starting to pay attention to their health, both physical and mental health, quality of life, and happiness.

I Made Sendra said, Bali was one of the favorite tourism destinations for tourists from China before the Covid-19 pandemic. The interest of Chinese tourists to Bali is due to the beautiful beaches and nature of Bali, as well as historical and cultural ties in the 12th century, namely during the reign of King Sri Jaya Pangus in Bali.

Cultural acculturation is not only limited to the use of currency in the form of Chinese coins, Chinese ornaments, but also the adoption of martial arts in Bali, namely through the martial art of Tai Chi. "Tai Chi martial arts is one of the products of wellness tourism, because Bali has adopted Tai Chi martial arts for health purposes, which is offered to tourists," said Sendra.

Tai Chi comes from the word Tai Chi Chuan which translates to 'ultimate supreme' or 'ultimate fist'. Tai Chi apart from utilizing body movements, it also utilizes breathing techniques aimed at health. "All participants of the international workshop are expected to be able to take advantage of the moment of this event well to increase immunity through maintaining body, soul, and in the near future international tourism, especially from the Chinese market, can recover and come to Bali again," hoped Sendra.