BAN-PT Assessor Team Conducts Online Field Assessment on Agricultural Industrial Technology Study Program, FTP Udayana University

Jimbaran - Agricultural Industrial Technology Study Program (TIP) Faculty of Agricultural Technology Udayana University (FTP Unud) participated in an online Field Assessment from the Assessor Team of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) in the context of accreditation of Study Programs, Monday (06/06/2022 ). Present at the opening of the assessment were the Rector of Unud, the Head of the Institution, the Head of the UPT Library, the Head of USDI, the Dean of FTP along with the Vice Deans, the Senate, Coordinance of Study Programs, the Taskforce Team and the FTP Unud academic community. Meanwhile, the Assessor Team that was present, namely Prof. Dr. Ir. Sahid Susanto, MS (UGM) and Dr. Ir. Gatot Priyanto, MS (Unsri). The assessment will take place over two days, 6-7 June 2022.

Rector of Unud Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng.,IPU in his speech asked for input from the Assessor Team assigned by BAN-PT so that in the future the Study Program can carry out its main tasks and functions in accordance with the Tridharma of Higher Education, and if possible, meet directly with the assessor team in providing input- input. Furthermore, the Rector conveyed a glimpse of information about Unud which was already 60 years old, where higher education accreditation had been declared to have increased from A to Superior. Of course, this is an exciting thing for the Unud academic community. This is of course also based on the input of assessors in the implementation of accreditation. Regarding the accreditation of 118 Study Programs, 70 percent of them are accredited as expected and thankfully none of them are accredited C. Those who have been accredited with Superior will be directed to international accreditation, of which there are 9 and this year the target is to have 14 more Study Programs and the following year 12 study program. So that at least 35 study programs have international accreditation. With accreditation that matches expectations and infrastructure development, it is hoped that Unud can soon move from a Public Service Agency Higher Education (BLU) to a Legal Entity State University (PTNBH). Preparations have been made to get there. Thus the future development plan of Unud in order to be able to provide adequate services for the nation's children from all over the country. The Rector expressed his gratitude to all parties who have contributed and the inputs are expected to support Unud's future achievements.

Meanwhile, the Representative of the Assessment Team, Prof. Sahid Susanto said that as an assessor his party received an assignment from BAN-PT and expressed his gratitude for the acceptance from Unud and together with the Faculty Team and Task Force, they will carry out their duties for 2 days. He hopes that it will be smooth and can be resolved properly. His party has also discussed a lot with the Coorprodi, so maybe there are a lot of preparations that can be clarified. As an assessor, his job is only to clarify because everything is already in the guides and instruments, so it's just a matter of clarifying. The instruments used are new and usually the weakness is not observing the 9 standard guidelines, which must show the performance of Study Programs, namely formulating and assessing performance in the form of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and Additional Performance Indicators (IKT) that already have standards. Many sometimes do not understand the contents of the new instrument.

In the opening, a presentation was also made by the Dean of FTP Unud, Prof. Ir. I Made Anom Sutrisna Wijaya, M.App.Sc., Ph.D. regarding the existence of Faculties and Study Programs.