Udayana University Holds Socialization of Entrepreneurial Student Program (PMW) and Entrepreneurial Student Development Program (P2MW)

Udayana University through the Student Affairs Bureau and the Entrepreneurship Development Unit held a Socialization of the Entrepreneurial Student Program (PMW) of Udayana University in 2022 and the Entrepreneurial Student Development Program (P2MW) of the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs 2022 (ex KBMI Program) which took place online through the Cisco Webex application, Tuesday (10/5/2022). The socialization presented two resource persons, namely Dr. Sagung Chandra Yowani, S.Si, Apt., M.Si with material on the Socialization of PMW at Udayana University in 2022 and Dr. Wachyu Hari Haji, S.Kom.,MM.,MPM.,CHRA (Head of the MBKM-Wrausaha Merdeka (WMK) 2022 Program of the Ministry of Education and Culture with material on P2MW Socialization of the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs of the Directorate General of Higher Education-Ristek Kemendikbudristek in 2022.

Head of the Udayana University Entrepreneurship Development Unit, Dr. Sagung Chandra Yowani in his report said that this activity was a socialization of entrepreneurship programs, both organized by Udayana University and the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs. Through this socialization, his party wants to provide information related to the two programs. Entrepreneurial activity is one of MBKM activities which is also one of the supporters of the achievement of Higher Education KPI. His party appreciates the presence of the participants where around 800 people have registered. Support from all parties is needed in entrepreneurial activities and gives appreciation for the support given by all related parties.

While the Rector of Udayana University Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara in his remarks informed that Udayana University accreditation had become Superior through the proposed UTI, and the Rector gave his appreciation for everyone's hard work. Furthermore, the Rector said that to balance the achievements, many things had to be done, both infrastructure and the implementation of the Tridharma, including student achievements, one of which was entrepreneurship. Alumni are expected to create jobs or entrepreneurship. The progress of a nation is closely related to the number of citizens who are capable of entrepreneurship. The government is actively doing things related to student entrepreneurship as outlined in the main university performance indicators which are formalized in performance contracts. The Entrepreneurship Development Unit and the Business Incubator (Inbis) are expected to collaborate so that students who are already entrepreneurial can mature at Inbis. The Rector hopes that this socialization will produce strong teams in entrepreneurship and improve performance in P2MW.