Faculty of Tourism Udayana University Celebrates 37th BK

Jimbaran - The Faculty of Tourism, Udayana University celebrated the 37th Family Body which was held in the Jimbaran Campus Dean area, Friday (29/4/2022). Present at the celebration were the Rector, the Deans or their representatives, the Dean of the Faculty of Tourism along with the ranks and the academic community as well as other invitees.

Chairman of the Committee Putu Agus Wikanatha Sagita in his report conveyed the series of activities carried out including international seminars, Student Talkshows, Community Service, Familiarity Events and the Flag Apple on May 1, 2022. This BK Faculty is a commemoration of the anniversary to strengthen togetherness between the academics of the Tourism Faculty. A series of activities carried out to strengthen the existence of the Faculty of Tourism Unud nationally and internationally. The theme raised is "Rising Together Through Collaboration". He is grateful that this event can be held offline again and is the first time carrying out activities on the Jimbaran Campus.

Dean of the Faculty of Tourism Dr. I Wayan Suardana in his speech conveyed that the 37th BK was the first BK conducted on the Jimbaran campus as an effort to support the program to return students to campus where for two more years students studying online certainly grew longing so that all activities were carried out on the hill campus, including student activities. The Dean further said that the Faculty of Tourism has completed all study programs for A accreditation from BAN-PT and is currently in the FIBAA international accreditation process and the following year will enter AUN QA. Through this opportunity, the Dean gave his appreciation to the Rector who had provided support for the infrastructure and all its accessories. This is a motivation and challenge for the entire academic community to work hard to realize IKU services and achievements through performance contracts. He also expressed his appreciation to all parties who have supported the implementation of this activity.

While the Rector of Udayana University Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara in his speech said he was happy with the 37th Faculty of Tourism and hoped that the Faculty of Tourism could realize its vision and mission in the community and be able to contribute to the achievement of Udayana University as a higher education institution leading to PTN BH and treading the path to a world class university. The Rector also hopes that the Faculty of Tourism will not be defeated by other College Tourism Faculties, for that we must be progressive to develop it. The Rector appreciated the accreditation achievements achieved by the Study Program at the Faculty of Tourism. Through this opportunity, the Rector also conveyed the development plan carried out at Udayana University and asset management as well as IKU achievement targets. Through this collaboration, his party will also build a hotel that can be used as a student lab. We must work hard together to achieve what is dreamed of in the future.

The celebration was marked by the cutting of the cone by the Dean of the Faculty of Tourism, which was followed by giving appreciation to staff who were entering retirement, awards for outstanding lecturers and students as well as entertainment and student events.