Udayana University and BNI Extend Cooperation "Realizing Campus Financial Ecosystem"

Kick Off Campus Financial Ecosystem Udayana University with PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk was held at the Postgraduate Building, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Friday (25/3/2022). In this event, an extension of the Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation Agreement was carried out as well as the delivery of operational vehicle assistance. The event was attended by the Vice Rectors, Heads of Bureaus, Heads of Institutions, Postgraduate Directors and from BNI attended by the Director of Institutional Relations and related staff.

Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information Prof. Dr. dr. I Putu Gede Adiatmika, M.Kes, who on this occasion represented the Rector of Udayana University in his speech, said that through the two events held today, it is hoped that the collaboration between Uayana University and Bank BNI can continue, and as expected by the Rector, the cooperation between the two parties is a mutually beneficial collaboration. .

For the academic community itself, of course, in order to develop Udayana University through the Tridharma of Higher Education. Judging from the PKS, the cooperation scheme is suitable to support the Tridharma of Higher Education because there are schemes for employee credit, research credit, student credit, entrepreneurship and others. The Vice Rector also hopes that he can support the implementation of Tridharma and the academic community as well as BNI. Besides that, the Vice Rector also expressed his gratitude for the assistance of operational vehicles to Udayana University, hopefully it can support Unud's operations and performance.

Meanwhile, BNI's Director of Institutional Relations, Sis Apik Wijayanto, said that this event was the moment he had been waiting for and could take place today. It is hoped that many things can be collaborated with Udayana University, including flexion and credit for employees and students, including how to bridge the field of student affairs. It is ready to help with financing and assistance. This collaboration is expected to be more comprehensive, because it considers campus finance. Through this collaboration, it is also expected to increase the value of both parties, and is a very good collaboration because it is a full campus financial ecosystem.

After the signing of this PKS, his party will be more intensive in communicating with Udayana University. For this reason, it is hoped that support will run smoothly and provide an opportunity for the BNI Team to communicate with the campus. This is a form of transformation from BNI and will be more intensive to follow up on this collaboration.

The collaborations included, among others, PKS providing support for operational vehicle facilities, PKS on empowering UKM Fostered Partners of Udayana University through the BNI Edupreneur program, PKS on university financial ecosystem programs which include the implementation of certified student internship programs, use of cash management services, implementation of credit distribution programs. consumers to employees, the implementation of the educational flexion distribution program, the implementation of the BNI flexion research project distribution program and the extension of the BNI Visa-Udayana University credit card issuance.

On this occasion, BNI also handed over direct assistance for operational vehicles in the form of a Camry Hybrid Sedan Car.