Udayana University Conducts Interviews and Verification of Prospective Students Participating in the Independent Achievement Track Tracking

The Independent Achievement Track Tracking (PJMP) at Udayana University is entering the interview stage and verifying the validity of the document. This activity took place at the Widya Sabha Auditorium Building, Jimbaran Campus by implementing health protocols, Wednesday (16/3/2022). Students who have registered and meet the requirements come directly to verify the documents that have been uploaded to the system by showing the originals.

The interview and verification process lasted for two days (16-17 March 2022) conducted by the Coordinator of the Verification Team together with the Vice Deans for Student Affairs and Information. The Rector of Udayana University together with the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, and the Rector's Spokesperson accompanied by the Implementing Coordinator reviewed the interview process and document verification.

Rector of Udayana University Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng.,IPU on the occasion said that this PJMP had been coordinated by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs together with the Vice Rector for Student Affairs which had previously been announced to the public and there were around 400 applicants and from the administrative process around 200 people passed. Now, verification and interviews are being carried out by the Team to obtain factual evidence which is matched between the uploaded document and the original. Besides that, it is also matched first with the intended study program and adjusts to the capacity and qualifications of the study program. This is the first program in 2022 and will be evaluated and improved so that the coming year will be even better. In the coming years, there will also be a new student admission program without a test, in which this pathway will be combined with the independent pathway. The committee will conduct a selection process and those who pass will be given documents declared entitled to enter without a test but still have to re-register as new students. This program is to attract students who excel at both national and international levels.

Coordinator in the field Drs. I Wayan Santiyasa, M.Si as the Head of the Ormawa Development Unit said that the criteria used had been adjusted to the provisions in the Ministry. Has a special formulation in scoring and classification of achievements achieved by students. This process has been started since February 11, 2022 which began through online socialization and publication through the website and this time it has entered the verification stage by a team that has been formed by the Rector. The determination will be made on March 18th which can only be accessed by registrants. The majority of fans are from Bali, but also from outside Bali, namely Java, Sumatra and NTB.

Several students who were interviewed appreciated this PJMP because it can facilitate outstanding students to enter higher education and hope that it will be sustainable in the future.