SPI of Udayana University Holds Technical Guidance on Planning, Control, and Cash Administration at BLU Unit

The Internal Supervisory Unit (SPI) of Udayana University carries out Technical Guidance on Planning, Control, and Cash Administration at the BLU Unit of Udayana University offline in the Bangsa Room, Udayana University Rectorate Building, Friday (11/03/2022).

This activity was attended by financial managers and BPP at Udayana University, considering that this activity is very important because Udayana University is a large BLU Satker, especially in managing the budget sourced from PNBP.

In his remarks, the Vice Rector for General Affairs and Finance at Udayana University Prof.Dr. I Gst. Bgs. Wiksuana, SE., MS said that the budget owned by Udayana University was used for various types of expenditure according to the policy direction of the Rector of Udayana University, including for goods expenditures (activities/self-management), construction expenditures, such as the construction of 8 Dean Buildings and their furniture and various renovation of buildings that have been heavily damaged, non-construction capital expenditures such as spending on computers, laptops, which are carried out through e-catalogs or tenders. All of this is carried out in the context of implementing the tri dharma of higher education, as well as to meet the achievement of the Rector's performance targets as stated in the Rector's Performance Contract with the Ministry of Finance and the Rector's Performance Agreement with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology.

The Vice Rector also conveyed the Minister of Finance Regulation Number 129/PMK.05/2020 concerning Guidelines for the Management of Public Service Bodies, specifically Article 83 which states that BLU must optimize the cash in the BLU Operational Account. In an effort to implement good cash management and in accordance with applicable regulations to obtain optimal benefits, standardization of procedures is required. Udayana University BLU Cash Management applies to all activities related to cash management, so that it can be understood by all parties involved in it. This is a guideline or reference for carrying out work in accordance with the function as well as a performance appraisal tool based on technical, administrative and procedural indicators in accordance with work procedures, procedures and work systems in the management of BLU Cash at Udayana University.