LP3M of Udayana University Holds Technical Guidance for Compiling Accreditation Documents for Study Programs and New Study Programs

LP3M Udayana University held Technical Guidance for Compiling Accreditation Documents for Study Programs and New Study Programs at Udayana University which took place through a Webex Meeting, Thursday (10/03/2022).

This technical guidance was attended by the Deans, the Vice Deans for Academic Affairs at Udayana University, the Udayana University Postgraduate Director and Quality Assurers from 17 (seventeen) Foster Universities of Udayana University. This Bimtek presents resource persons in the field of accreditation, namely: Dr. Lukman, ST.M.Hum (Institutional Director of Kemendikbudristekdikti)., Tjokorde Walmiki Samadhi, S.T., M.T., Ph.D (Secretary of DE BAN-PT), Prof. Agus Setyo Muntohar, S.T., M.Eng.Sc., Ph.D (DE BAN-PT); and Dr. Slamet Wahyudi, ST., MT (DE BAN-PT).

Ir. I Nengah Sujaya, M.Agr.Sc.Ph.D as the Chair of LP3M, as well as the Chair of the Technical Guidance Committee for the Preparation of Accreditation Documents for Study Programs and New Study Programs at Udayana University in his report said that this technical guidance was carried out as a form of commitment from Udayana University which continues to strive to improve the quality of the study program through increasing the accreditation of the study program itself.

This technical guidance is expected to provide benefits and provide enlightenment for 17 UNUD foster universities related to PT BAN Regulation No. 1 of 2022. This technical training activity was carried out for two consecutive days with the stage of presenting material from the facilitator on the first day, and will be continued with technical briefing on the first day. second. I Nengah Sujaya also hopes that through this Bimtek event participants will gain experience from the resource persons so that in the future they will be more confident to accelerate the accreditation process and other accreditation activities in the future.

Bimtek was opened by the Rector who in this case was represented by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja, M.P. In his speech Prof. Rai hopes that the implementation of this activity will provide additional insight regarding accreditation and submission of new study programs, both regarding the determination of the feasibility of study programs with academic and non-academic criteria, so as to ensure good quality for students who choose study programs at Udayana University. Meanwhile, for study programs that have not been facilitated, it is hoped that they can absorb knowledge from qualified resource persons from BAN PT in preparing accreditation instruments.