Vice Rector for Student Affairs Udayana University Takes the Position of Secretary General, FORPIMAWA Holds Coordination Meeting as well as Ratification

The Higher Education Leaders Forum for Student Affairs, which was just formed as an institution, Friday (28/01/2022) held a coordination meeting (Rakor) as well as ratification, taking place at The Patra Bali. This activity was attended by Plt. Director of Learning and Student Affairs, Plt. The Head of the National Achievement Center, the General Chairperson of FORPIMAWA, the Secretary General of FORPIMAWA, the FORPIMAWA Treasurer, as well as the FORPIMAWA Coordinators and Regional Secretaries. This Coordination Meeting and Ratification was opened by Plt. Head of the National Achievement Center Asep Sukmayadi, S.IP., M.Sc. and closed by Plt. Director of Learning and Student Affairs Dr. Ir. Kiki Yuliati, M.Sc.

Chairman of FORPIMAWA, Prof.Dr. Iwantono, M. Phil. on this occasion said that the establishment of the institution which was previously only a forum for friendship, had been agreed through a meeting with the declarator. The meeting was attended by national and regional leaders from 12 regions. "From that meeting, it was agreed to institutionalize this Communication Forum into a permanent institution. So we declare this here," he said when met on the sidelines of the event.

Furthermore, the General Chairperson of FORPIMAWA said that after the inauguration, for activities that will be carried out in the near future, namely, a work meeting in March which is planned to be held in Lombok. During the working meeting, the host was from the University of Mataram. "In the near future we will hold a Working Meeting. So we will discuss the work program and what we will do this year," he said. Another important agenda this year that attracted attention was related to national issues related to student affairs, including one related to the implementation of Permendikbud, Research and Technology No. 30 of 2021 on campus. Regarding Bali, the choice of the location for the Coordination Meeting and the Ratification was the first time the National Secretary General came from Udayana University, besides that it was also an effort to support Bali in recovering the economy from the pandemic condition. Which is currently the economic condition of Bali, has begun to squirm.

Meanwhile, the Secretary General of FORPIMAWA who is also the Vice Rector for Student Affairs at Udayana University, Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, MT., Ph.D., IPU. conveyed that his election as Secretary General, of course, was a great opportunity for Udayana University. Especially to participate at the national level. Because according to him, there are many things that must be done, which must be achieved in accordance with the performance indicators assigned to universities, including Udayana University. "This is one of them, taking a role in achieving these performance targets. Then also with this Communication Forum, of course we can also improve everything that is inside, and improve each other, there are many benefits that can be obtained by Unud," he said.