Improving Lecturer Competence, Language Service Udayana University Holds UAEPT 2022 Training

Language Service Udayana University held the 2022 Udayana Academic English Proficiency Test (UAEPT) Training for lecturers at Udayana University which took place online through the Cisco Webex application, Monday (24/01/2022). This training emphasizes English language skills through the methods of listening (listening), grammar (structure), and reading (reading).

This UAEPT training is the second UAEPT training conducted by Language Service Udayana University. UAEPT is a branding of English test naming owned by Udayana University, because every university in Indonesia must have its own English test naming. Likewise, Udayana University has become one of the test centers in Indonesia while still providing TOEFL Preparation services. For the certification of student and lecturer abilities internally, the UAEPT is used.

This training presents participants consisting of 3 lecturers from each faculty at Udayana University. This is the report of the Head of Language Service Udayana University, Sang Ayu Isnu Maharani, S.S., M.Hum.

While the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja in opening this training conveyed the importance of preparing students, lecturers, and education staff at Udayana University to have language skills, especially English, so that they can compete both at national and international levels. Through various programs organized by Language Service Udayana University, students, lecturers, and education staff are provided with English language training and tests so that they have competence which of course will get competency certification according to the grade achieved. On this occasion the Vice Rector also advised the participants to focus on participating in the training because this is very important for the future.

In this training, the Structure Session was guided by Prof. Dr. Dra. I Gusti Sosiawati, M.A., Reading session guided by Prof. Dr. Ni Luh Sutjiati Beratha, M.A., and the Listening Session led by Dr. I Made Rajeg, M. Hum. The implementation of the UAEPT can be accessed via which is the only Online Web Test in Bali which will be held on Wednesday, January 26, 2022.