Rector of Udayana University Asks the Dean to Make Optimal Use of FMIPA Building on Sudirman Campus

Denpasar - Coinciding with Rahina Purnama Sasih Kaulu, the Pemelaspasan ceremony of the FMIPA Udayana University Building, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Monday (17/1/2022) was held. The pemelaspasan ceremony was hosted by Jro Mangku Pura Dalem Balembong and attended by the Rector, Vice Rector for General Affairs and Finance, Bureau Head, PPK Construction, Dean and Vice Dean of FMIPA and all staff.

This four floors building, after being idle for a long time, is finally completed, equipped with a hall for seminars and the like which is located on the fourth floor. The existing rooms are also equipped with electrical and network installations, air conditioning and CCTV as well as fire detectors.

The Dean of FMIPA Udayana University Ni Luh Watiniasih, Ph.D on the occasion said that the building that was previously idle has now been completed. His party appreciated the Rector's policy which had facilitated the completion of this building. This building will be prioritized for lectures for postgraduate programs at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. The Dean hopes that this new building can be put to good use, where the existing infrastructure will be used to complete it so that it can be utilized immediately. In addition, his party also plans to develop a business unit to provide services to the community. Through this opportunity, the Dean also gave his appreciation to all parties who have contributed until the construction of this building was completed.

While the Rector of Udayana University Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara said that this building was completed within 105 days after about 12 years of being idle and was grateful that this building could be completed. The Rector requested that this building be used for adequate tridharma activities so that it can develop the institution. The Rector plans to increase the number of student bodies for the postgraduate program at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and asks the Dean to immediately open a new Postgraduate Study Program. The Rector will also appoint a Study Program Coordinator who can empower Study Programs. The Rector asked the Dean not to use this building for undergraduate lectures considering that the development of infrastructure for undergraduates will be centered on the Bukit Campus. The study in the Postgraduate building should immediately be moved to a new building, because in the Postgraduate various new study programs will be developed.

Furthermore, the Rector said that eight new Deans would be built on Campus Hill and one of them would be the Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty. The existing study programs would be built in one integrated area. The Rector is committed to issuing the same policy to advance all existing units. Besides the Dean, student dormitories and campus restaurants will also be built, in the future it will be continued with wide road access and a centralized lecture building. The Rector hopes that all of them can work together, unite and coordinate with each other to advance the university and support IKU's achievements. Let's focus on working to advance the institution and discuss each other in providing input for mutual progress.

The Rector along with the leaders who were present accompanied by the Dean of FMIPA also had the opportunity to review the rooms in the building.