LPPM Unud - BRIN Cooperation, Holds Outreach of Book Publishing Opportunities and Incentives at BRIN

LPPM Unud, the Cultural Research Center, in collaboration with the National Innovation Research Agency (BRIN) held a socialization of "Opportunities and Incentives for Book Publishing for the Local Knowledge Acquisition Program at BRIN Publishers", Tuesday (28/12/2021) virtually via Zoom Meeting. The activity was followed by the academic community of Udayana University, ISI Denpasar, ISBI Bandung, University of West Sumatra Pariaman, State University of Jakarta, and several other universities, up to 300 participants attended.

The event began with remarks from the Head of LPPM Unud, Prof. Dr. drh. I Nyoman Suarsana, MSi and opened by the Deputy for Research and Innovation Utilization, Dr. Mego Pinandito, M.Eng. The event was also attended by the Secretary of LPPM Unud, Ir. NMAE Dewi Wirastuti, ST., MSc., PhD., IPM. Three speakers were present, namely: 1) Muhammad Fadly Suhendra with material on "Local Knowledge Acquisition Program: Provision of open access Literacy sources", 2) Dhevi EIR Mahelingga with material on "Improving the Impact Factor of Scientific Books through OMP"; 3) Meita Safitri's material on "The role of social media in the dissemination of scientific publications". The socialization event took place under the guidance of the Head of the LPPM Unud Cultural Research Center, Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Darma Putra, M. Litt.

In his remarks, Prof. Suarsana said that the book was one of the outputs of research and service grants in addition to the mandatory output in the form of a journal. However, in its development, there have not been many outputs in the form of textbooks, reference books and monographs produced from research and service grants at Unud. With this socialization event, Unud academics can take advantage of the opportunities and incentives provided by BRIN so as to prepare books that meet the criteria for granting book publishing incentives at BRIN.