Udayana University Receives a Visit from the Sepuluh November Institute of Technology (ITS)

Udayana University through the Office of International Affairs (KUI) received a visit from the Ten November Institute of Technology (ITS) at the Postgraduate Building, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar. Friday (10/12/2021).

The ITS delegation, chaired by Dr. Maria Anityasari ST., M.Eng.Sc, was accepted by the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information, Prof. Dr. dr. I Putu Gede Adiatmika, M.Kes and KUI Coordinator Dr.Eng Ni Nyoman Pujianiki, ST., MT., M.Eng and the KUI team.

This visit discussed the cooperation that had existed previously and the potential for new collaborations between the two universities, especially cooperation that played a role in the internationalization of universities.