Release 44 Graduates, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University Holds 145th Judiciary

The Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, held an Activity to Improve the Entrepreneurial Spirit and Judiciary of the Engineering Faculty Period 145 in a Hybrid (Offline and Online) with the main location being in the Meeting Room I, Lt.III Dean Building, Jimbaran Faculty of Engineering, Thursday (09/12/2021). This 145th Yudisium activity is the release of the last prospective graduates of the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University in 2021.

Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning Prof. I Nyoman Suprapta Winaya, S.T., M.A.Sc.,Ph.D said that this event aims to provide briefing on entrepreneurial insights for graduates by inviting resource persons from Faculty of Engineering alumni who have experience in the world of work. The Vice Dean in his report said that the number of graduates at this time was 44 people, consisting of 3 graduates from doctoral programs, 4 graduates from master programs, and 37 graduates from undergraduate programs. With a total of 13,303 alumni from 1987. The best graduate at the Faculty level was obtained by Dr. Ir. I Made Kariyana, S.T.,M.T from the Doctoral Program of Engineering Sciences, Hisyam Rahmawan Suharno, S.T.,M.T from the Electrical Engineering Masters Study Program, and Ida Bagus Kade Taruna, S.Kom who came from the Information Technology Undergraduate Study Program.

The speaker who attended this activity were alumni of the Architecture Study Program I Gusti Ayu Novi Yutami, S.T., M.T., M.Sc. who conveyed about the career journey that he had taken as well as tips for dealing with and preparing himself to accept opportunities. In addition, tips on how to deal with fear are also given, as well as other tips that can be used to face the future in the world of work.

The event ended with remarks from the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, Ir. I Ketut Sudarsana, ST, Ph.D who said that prospective graduates must understand the demands of abilities in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0, known as 6C-Skills, namely communication, collaboration, critical thinking, creative thinking, computational logic and compassion, and 3 New Literacy (data literacy, technology, and people). Apart from 6C-Skills and these 3 new literacys, the most important things that are the main keys to success in the world of work are honesty and working with heart.

"The knowledge that you have prepared, the competencies you already have, as well as the experience of studying at a university as an adult, make it a provision to take on the profession that you choose later," said the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering.