BAN-PT Assessor Team Conducts Field Assessment of Industrial Engineering Study Program Faculty of Engineering Unud

Field Assessment of the Industrial Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University by the BAN-PT Assessor team took place online via the Zoom application, Wednesday (08/12/2021). The opening of the assessment was attended by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Chair of LP3M, Chair of LPPM, Head of Library UPT, USDI Representatives, Deans and Vice Deans of the Faculty of Engineering, Chair of the Senate of the Faculty of Engineering, Coordi- nants of Study Programs, Taskforce Teams, Lecturers, Employees, Students.

The Assessor Team of BAN-PT who was present on this occasion was Prof. Ir. Moses Laksono Singgih M.Sc Ph.D from Ten November Institute of Technology and Dr. Wahyudi Sutopo, S.T., M.Sc. from Eleven Maret University.

Assessor Prof. Ir. Moses Laksono Singgih M.Sc Ph.D said that although this field assessment activity was carried out online, it did not reduce the purpose of this activity which in principle was to obtain real data in various ways.

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja on this occasion said that the Industrial Engineering Study Program was one of the study programs at the newly established Faculty of Engineering and this time it was the first field assessment carried out. Of course, we ask for input and direction from assessors for the best results and future development for the Industrial Engineering Study Program. The Vice Chancellor hopes that the 2-day assessment can run smoothly and get the desired results.