Implementation of the SKB Interview and Micro Teaching of CPNS Kemendikbudristek 2021 at Udayana University

Udayana University held a Field Competency Selection (SKB) Interview and Teaching Practice Test (Micro Teaching) for the Admission of Candidates for Civil Servants (CPNS) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology for CPNS applicants at Unud, 7-9 December 2021.

There were 224 registered participants who took part in this SKB stage. Each participant took part in the online interview and Micro Teaching process from their respective homes. The implementation of this SKB takes place online through the Zoom Meeting application, where each participant is tested by two Examiners. The locations of the examiners are in Computer Labs on the Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, namely Postgraduate, Agrocomplex, FISIP, FKH, FK and FEB.

The implementation of this SKB was reviewed directly by the Vice Rector for General Affairs and Finance at Udayana University accompanied by the Head of the General Bureau and the Human Resources Coordinator. Due to technical problems, in accordance with the announcement from the Secretary General as the Chair of the Ministry's 2021 CPNS Procurement Team for the implementation of the SKB on December 7, 2021, it was postponed and implementation information will be submitted following through the page. Meanwhile, for the implementation of the SKB on 8 and 9 December 2021, it will run as it should.

Vice Rector for General Affairs and Finance, Prof. I Gusti Bagus Wiksuana said that the recruitment of CPNS in almost all State Universities followed two stages, the first was Basic Competency Selection which weighed 40 percent, and then Field Competency Selection which weighed 60 percent. This time it enters the second stage, where the SKB stage has three kinds of tests, namely CBT (Computer Based Test) with a weight of 60 percent, 20 percent interviews and another 20 percent micro teaching from a total of 60 percent of the weight of the SKB. With these two types of selection, the hope of Udayana University is to get prospective lecturers in various faculties, of course, who are qualified according to the expectations of each faculty, and also the expectations of Udayana University. The point is, with this kind of test model, we get really qualified lecturers. Because this is a very objective exam, with high objectivity, it is hoped that the results will be of high quality.