Unud Receives a Visit from Hasanuddin University Makassar in the Context of Student Management Benchmarking

Udayana University received a visit from the Makassar Hasanuddin University delegation in the context of benchmarking for improving the quality of student management. The visit was received directly by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs of Unud together with the Head of BKM and the Chair of the USCC and related units located in the Hall of the Graduate Building, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Wednesday (11/24/2021).

Vice Rector for Student Affairs Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana in his speech introduced briefly the profile of the university and the management of the student body. The Vice Rector hopes to make a return visit to Hasanuddin University to participate in learning in an effort to improve student achievement.

Head of USCC Unud Dr. On the occasion, Ketut Sardiana added related to the development of student activities at Udayana University and the MBKM program.

Vice Rector for Student Affairs Unhas Prof. Arsunan Arsin on the occasion conveyed that previous student activities had been in hiatus for a long time at Unhas, but now they have begun to be developed. Management in the field of student affairs at Unhas is based on Pokja-Pokja that have been formed and are bound by a performance contract. It was further explained about the management of PKM and the achievements achieved in Pimnas by Unhas as well as the awards given to outstanding students. Unhas and Unud must synergize with each other to jointly improve student achievement.