Unud Student Affairs Bureau Holds Outreach Targets for Achievement-Based Reasoning and Creativity Activities within the Tridharma of Higher Education
The Student Bureau of Udayana University held a Socialization of Achievement-Based Reasoning and Creativity Activity Targets within the Tridharma of Higher Education in the Hall of Graduate Building, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Wednesday (24/11/2021). The activity which was attended by representatives of BEM, DPM, UKM and the Ormawa Development Unit was opened by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs Unud.
The socialization presented three speakers, namely the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana with material on organizational work programs based on performance targets, USCC Chair Dr. I Ketut Sardiana with the material to develop students' interests, talents and reasoning as well as creativity in the implementation of the Tridharma of Higher Education and Drs. I Wayan Santiyasa, M.Si with material on student achievement awards as university appreciation.
The Vice Rector Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana hopes that what is socialized can be conveyed in a chain to all students. This activity is in order to socialize the activities of SMEs or Ormawa not only run the organization, but have activities that lead to achievement, where the direction is competition at both national and international levels. Considering the target of the Ministry for achievement and ranking, the role of students is highly expected to support university rankings which of course will also have an impact on graduates. For this reason, synergy is needed and must compete with other universities in bringing the good name of the institution. The Vice Rector will prepare a budget for the achievement of performance targets which will be supported from the planning side. SMEs and Ormawa must perform and make the best proposals so that they can excel. The more competitions that are followed and the better achievements for the institution and Unud can become a source of great people.