Udayana University in collaboration with the International Water Centre, Griffith University, ITB, Mitra Samya and Central Lombok Regency Government Holds GEDSI-WASH Training

Center for Public Health Innovation (CPHI), Faculty of Medicine and Center for Excellence in Tourism (PUPar), LPPM, Udayana University in collaboration with the International Water Centre, Griffith University, Bandung Institute of Technology, Mitra Samya and Central Lombok Regency Government to hold Gender Equity, Disability Training and Social Inclusion for Water Sanitation and Hygiene (GEDSI-WASH) for tutors (TOT) from the Regency Government and for hotels and homestays in the tourist area of ​​Mandalika, Central Lombok.

The Training of Trainers (ToT) event was held at the Ilira Hotel, Praya on October 25-26 2021 which was opened by the Head of Central Lombok Bappeda who in this case was represented by Mrs. drh. Triwidiastuti, MA, expert staff in Economic Development and Finance. The ToT was attended by 12 OPD participants related to tourism and the construction of clean water and residential sanitation. This training activity was coordinated and facilitated by Ni Made Utami Dwipayanti, PhD, a lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine with Bagus Aryawa from Mitra Samya, a non-governmental organization based in Mataram. The training was provided for 20 hotel and homestay participants which was held at the Jivana Hotel, 2-5 November 2021 and was facilitated by tutors who had attended ToT training. The response from the relevant OPD staff as tutors and the response from hotel participants was very positive, because the training facilitated by cross-sectoral technical staff was considered very useful for the tourism community to open insights and closer communication networks between the government and tourism actors in creating a healthy tourism environment, safe and inclusive.

This activity is part of an action research activity that begins with formative research and the development of the GEDSI WASH guide through a co-design process with the local government. This action research activity includes 2 case study locations in Indonesia, namely the Mandalika and Labuan Bajo tourist areas and 2 tourist sites in Fiji.

Through the Guide developed and socialized in this activity, it is hoped that it can be used by tourism actors in Indonesia. Capacity building for tourism actors is important in order to support efforts to disseminate inclusive WASH service implementation not only for visitors, but also for tourism workers and the surrounding community. It is hoped that the implementation of this approach can contribute to sustainable development for the tourism sector and for local communities, especially after COVID‐19.