Udayana University Holds BIMTEK Preparation of SKP according to PP 30/2019

The General Bureau through the Human Resources Section of Udayana University held Technical Guidance (BIMTEK) for the preparation of SKP in accordance with PP 30/2019 offline and online with the main location point being in the BH Building Hall 4th Floor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Denpasar Campus, Monday (1/11). /2021). This activity was attended by Bureau Heads, Coordinators at Udayana University, and Sub Coordinators at Udayana University.

The Head of the General Bureau of Unud Ni Made Pertami Susilawati, S.E. in her speech said that Udayana University currently has not implemented the preparation of the SKP in accordance with PP no 30 of 2019. The Head of the General Bureau on this occasion hopes that BIMTEK participants can complete the preparation of the SKP in accordance with PP 30 /2019.

The implementation of BIMTEK presented three resource persons, namely Sinta Ayu Kurniati, Eli Nurmaniska, Ira Herawati Sumarlin from the HR Bureau of the Ministry of Education and Culture with material related to the preparation of SKP according to PP 30/2019. After the presentation of the material by the resource persons, the event continued with a discussion session and a review of the preparation of the SKP by the speakers.