UKM Udayana Focus Held UFONITY Workshop

Udayana Focus UKM Udayana University held a 2021 UFONITY (Udayana Focus Anniversary and Charity) Workshop with the theme "Capture the Beauty of Indonesian Destinations Incredibly" which was held online through the Webex Meeting platform. Saturday (25/9/2021).

The 2021 UFONITY (Udayana Focus Anniversary and Charity) Workshop was officially opened by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede suardana, MT.,Ph.D.,IPU and attended by the Supervisor of the Udayana Focus Unud Student Activity Unit, the Chair of the Student Representative Council of the Unud Student Government and the speaker Dudisugandi a professional photographer.

The chairman of the Putu Yoga Pramana Putra committee in his report said that Udayana Focus Anniversary and Charity is one of the activities owned by the Udayana Focus student activity unit which was carried out in the context of celebrating Udayana Focus's birthday. The purpose of this activity is to introduce Udayana Focus UKM to the entire academic community of Udayana University and also to the general public, in addition to building togetherness among all members of Udayana Focus UKM. Through this activity, the Chair of the Committee hopes that all committees, participants and members of UKM Udayana Focus can build togetherness, partnership and harmony and can also be a place to express creative and innovative ideas for competitions.

Meanwhile, the Head of UKM Udayana Focus I Nyoman Cahya Wibawa Suadi Putra in his speech hoped that by holding this activity participants were able to master several techniques of taking digital works so that they can be used to promote tourist destinations in Indonesia through digital art, both photos and videos so that they can generate tourism. in Indonesia.

Meanwhile, the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana really appreciates this workshop because apart from the workshop, there are also many competitions, beach celanup, charity and others. By holding workshops and other competitions, it is hoped that they can produce works that can promote tourism destinations, especially Indonesian tourism that already exists and those that are not yet well known to become more famous, as well as for UKM supervisors, any student activities carried out to be associated with directive activities. National achievements, especially the Belmawa Dikti competition and the National Achievement Center. Hopefully, with this workshop, participants can discuss and explore as much information, knowledge and skills as possible so that they can increase their skills and knowledge in the field they are engaged in.