The Directorate of Vocational and Professional Higher Education Conducts Monitoring and Evaluation of the Implementation of the 2021 LSP Unud Competency and Professional Certification Program

The team of the Directorate of Vocational and Professional Higher Education of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology carried out Monitoring and Evaluation of the Implementation of the Competency and Professional Certification Program in 2021 at the Professional Certification Institute (LSP) of Udayana University at the Vocational Building Unud, Friday (24/09/2021). The implementation of the Monev was attended by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs at Udayana University, Head of LSP Unud, while the monev team was chaired by Kadunci, S.E., M.Sc., and two members namely Leonardo AS, S.Psi and Ika Ardhya Pratiwi, A.Md.

Head of LSP Unud Dr. Putu Saroyini in his report said that there were 100 certification participants from Tourism D4 Study Program, Library D3 Study Program, and Accounting D3 Study Program. Certification was carried out for six schemes, namely Middle Accounting Technician, Library Service Scheme, Catering Scheme, Food Scheme, Housekeeping Scheme and Dishes Scheme. It was reported that 100 certification participant assessments were recommended as Competent at BNSP.

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja, M.P. on this occasion said that the financial assistance provided by the Directorate of Vocational and Professional Higher Education was very useful for students to carry out Competency and Professional Certification. Udayana University needs input, especially for Unud LSP from the Monev team what needs to be improved, especially in carrying out performance in accordance with the direction of the Directorate of Vocational and Professional Higher Education Kemendikbudristek.