JUPI Unud Holds Seminar and Workshop "Design Visual Identity of Unud OJS Website and Assessment of Management & Substance Aspects in National Journal Accreditation"

The Journal and Scientific Publication Unit (JUPI) of Udayana University (Unud) held an online Seminar and Workshop through the Cisco Webex application, Monday (23/08/2021).

This seminar and workshop took the theme "Design Visual Identity of the Unud OJS Website and Assessment of Management & Substance Aspects in National Journal Accreditation".

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Unud, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng., IPU. in his speech gave appreciation to JUPI which has organized this activity and the participants who have a commitment to improve their performance. JUPI was originally formed to make journals more organized and to challenge how JUPI plays its role in the future. Next is how to make existing journals accredited.

In its development, the journals at Unud have been in accordance with their track and are targeting to be number one in Bali in the ranking of the number of nationally accredited journals with good accreditation ratings. The roadmap for accreditation and indexation of journals at Unud must be kept on track. In the future, it is hoped that JUPI needs to be developed better in terms of institutions and supporting infrastructure.

Chairman of the Committee Dr. Ni Ketut Arismayanti, SST.Par., M.Par reported that Unud has 106 active journals, of which 1 has been indexed by Scopus and Web of Science, 46 journals have been indexed by DOAJ, 80 journals have been nationally accredited, while 26 journals are in preparation for Arjuna.

There were three speakers at this event, namely (1) Ni Luh Desi In Diana Sari, S.Sn., M.Sn as Coordinator of the Denpasar ISI Publishing Center, Editor in Chief of the Mudra Journal (SINTA 2); (2) Prof. I Nyoman Darma Putra, M. Litt as Chief Editor of the Bali Studies Journal (SINTA 2); (3) Prof. Dr. Istadi, ST., MT., as Editor-in-Chief Bulletin Of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis (Scopus and Web of Science indexed) UNDIP.

The material presented by each resource person, namely Ni Luh Desi In Diana Sari, S.Sn., M.Sn with the material "Visual Art Design for Online Journal Website", Prof. I Nyoman Darma Putra, M. Litt. with the material "Unud Identity on Visual Online Journal Website". While the third speaker, Prof. Dr. Istadi, ST., MT. delivered the material "Improving the Value of Management / Governance and Substance Aspects in National Journal Accreditation".

The visual identity of the Unud OJS website will be designed based on the results of seminars and workshops that will give the characteristics of journals at Unud. The materials from the three resource persons provided inspiration for the visual identity of websites and accreditations that could support an increase in the number of unique visits, and most of the materials provided reinforcement for improving the governance and substance of journals at Unud. Invited participants are journal managers at Unud with a total of 114 participants.